Most php-cgi cpu related news are at:

xhprof查看图片时出现“Couldn’t retrieve font file name”的解决办法 4 Apr 2013 | 11:57 am
安装了lnmp(linux+nginx+mysql+php),想到要测试PHP的性能,就安装了xhprof,为 [...]
CentOS 6.3下安装apache+svn+trac 28 Mar 2013 | 04:47 pm
几年没更新博客了,现在有什么心情都用微博或微信代替了,随时能说,却少了思考。 更新一篇文档 #!/bin/sh [...]
More php-cgi cpu related news:
Parallels Plesk PHP-CGI Vulnerability 10 May 2012 | 09:29 am
Please read this message in its entirely and take the recommended actions : A security vulnerability in PHP was identified that impacts some of Parallels products. The goal of this email is to make y...
php-cgi on OS X 7 Apr 2012 | 03:44 am
There are, apparently, many ways for clever people to install PHP with php-cgi on OS X but this is the one that worked for me. Use Homebrew to install the Homebrew PHP formulae provided here: https:/...
CVE 2012-1823 PHP-CGI Bug 4 May 2012 | 02:30 pm
TL;DR: The bug is two fold, first using a "?-s" after a php file you can read the source of the file. Second with the "?-d" you can make some temporary changes to the execution of php, whereby leading...
New PHP-CGI exploit: CVE-2012-1823, PoC exploit 3 May 2012 | 11:46 pm
This article contains various edits to account for recent developments. Stay tuned. Some folks found an interesting bug while playing CTF at Nullcon 2012. If you run PHP as a plain CGI or via mod_cgi...
2G/200G/php/cgi/perl/MYSQL/CPanel/FTP/绑米/无广告/ 6 Apr 2011 | 02:03 am
2G国外免费动态php空间无流量限制支持绑米无广告 适用类型: 个人,企业。 免费空间大小: 2G。 是否有强制广告: 没有广告。 是否允许自己的广告: 允许。 上传方式: FTP,浏览器。 支持脚本种类: CGI,PHP,Perl。 域名绑定: 顶级域名。 其他特点: 无限流量。 cPanel控制面板,Fantastico自动建站功能...
5G/无限流量/php/cgi/perl/MYSQL/VistaPanel/FTP/绑米/ 国外免费空间 31 Mar 2011 | 02:49 am
5G国外免费动态php空间4G流量限制支持绑米无广告 适用类型: 个人,企业。 免费空间大小: 5G。 是否有强制广告: 有广告。 是否允许自己的广告: 允许。 上传方式: FTP,浏览器。 支持脚本类型: PHP。 域名绑定: 顶级域名或子域名。 其他特点: 流量限制200G/月。 MySQL数据库。 支持POP3 e-mail、W...
PHP 5.4.3 and 5.3.13 fix several security issues 9 May 2012 | 07:36 am
The PHP team has announced PHP 5.4.3 and 5.3.13, fixing two separate security issues. CVE-2012-2311 and CVE-2012-1823 are both fixed now. These are the CVE numbers for the PHP-CGI bug that has been a...
Attack against PHP-CGI - DoS, Code disclosure and more... 4 May 2012 | 03:41 am
There is a new PHP bug that just became public today (leaked accidentially, it seems...). A flaw in the PHP CGI’s input sanitation process allows attackers to set command-line options via the query st...
PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2012-1823) 7 May 2012 | 05:56 pm
PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2012-1823) Introduction On May 3rd 2012 PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability was disclosed to general public. This is a Critical Vulnerability...
シックスコア(sixcore)の特徴 10 May 2012 | 04:25 pm
ベットが提供するビジネス仕様レンタルサーバーであるシックスコア。エックスサーバーの上位版でバックアップ、設定範囲、SSLなどのセキュリティーが強化されます。 大容量50GB、初期費用6,300円、月額1,890円からで共有サーバープランは、マルチドメインで、メールや管理ツールもマルチドメインに対応しています。 一番安いS1プランで独自ドメインが5個、MySQLが5個使えます。 PHP、CGI...