Most php.ini memory limit related news are at:

Chrome App Launcher is now available to Windows users 20 Jul 2013 | 10:38 am
Chrome app launcher is an app launcher for Chrome on Windows, it is not yet officially launched but it is available from a download link. It shows shortcuts to the apps that are visible on your Chrome...
Waka Waka Power Solar Mobile Phone Charger Review 15 Jul 2013 | 09:28 am
Now a days we are dependent on smartphones than any other gadget in our lives, we are doing everything from just phone calls to taking photos, booking tickets. Earlier days we used to use computers an...
More php.ini memory limit related news:
Increase php.ini Upload Limit 16 May 2013 | 12:20 am
← Older revision Revision as of 19:20, 15 May 2013 (One intermediate revision not shown) Line 11: Line 11: Replace the '''5''' with '''20''' or less. If you are letting other people upload, a si...
PHP script generator sederhana untuk belajar PHP 9 May 2012 | 10:04 pm
Ini adalah PHP generator yang sangat mudah digunakan dan hasil codenya juga sangat sederhana. Jadi sangat cocok bagi yang ingin belajar PHP langkah awal bikin field yang mau dibuat. Seolah-olah bikin...
Large file uploads now integrated into Blogg-X 3.0 31 May 2009 | 09:54 pm
I have integrated support for uploading large files (up to 100mb) remotely via Blogg-X. This works regardless of the php.ini settings by breaking the file into smaller peices and reassembling on the...
PHP deer Postgresql рүү холбогдох. 16 May 2010 | 11:20 am
Windows7, vista дээр appserv-win32-2.5.10 энийг суулгаад postgresql сервэрлүү холбогдохгүй байвал. c:/Windows/php.ini файлыг нээгээд extension=php_pgsql.dll энэ мөрийн ; ийг аваад хадгална. тэгсэн ч ...
upload file besar di ehcp 27 May 2011 | 10:34 pm
langsung aja aku ambil dari readme nya ehcp // Note: IF YOU WANT TO ALLOW LARGE FILE UPLOADS, YOU MAY HAVE TO ADJUST // THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: // 1 – in the file php.ini: upload_max_...
.html内でPHPを動かしたいのに画面が真っ白【PHP】【.htaccess】 24 Dec 2010 | 10:30 pm
.htaccessに下記のように記述して、.html内でもPHPを動かせるようにする。 と思って設置すると、画面真っ白…。顔面も真っ白。。。 なんて言ってる場合ではなく、解決せねば。 まず、PHPのマニュアル(コア php.ini ディレクティブに関する説明)には下記のように書いてあります。 PHP タグの短縮型 (<? ?>) を使用 可能にするかどうかを設定します。 PHPをXMLと...
如何提升 WordPress 性能 12 Dec 2011 | 06:33 am
使用 WP-Cache 插件,优化MySQL 查询缓存以及 PHP 定向(Opcode)缓存,更高级的还有修改 httpd.conf 和 php.ini 文件等等。因内容太过专业我看不懂,请大家自行前往观之。 以及相关资源: 优化你的 wordpress 载入时间 优化你的数据库 如何优化 CSS 优化 wordpress 性能 优化 wordpress 以适应高流量 高性能的 wo...
Script to add index.html to all directories recursively to avoid directory listing 5 Mar 2011 | 05:14 am
Hi guys, Have you caught in situation where you can’t use php.ini or .htaccess file to restrict directory listing, and only solution is to add index.html file to all directory ( In my case it was 379...
Tutorial PHP dan MySQL 11 Apr 2012 | 07:40 am
Ebook gratis tutorial PHP dan MySQL. Bagi yang belum tahu apa itu PHP dan MySQl ( seperti saya ) mari baca dulu basa basi tentang PHP dan MySQL ,karena ebook tutorial php ini akan membahas kedua hal ...
php5上传文件大小配置 26 Oct 2011 | 07:42 pm
修改/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini max_execution_time = 0 默认:30秒,断开上传脚本,0为不限制。 post_max_size = 80M 默认:8M upload_max_filesize = 50M 默认:2M 注意post_max_size最好要大于upload_max_filesize。以上配置我们可以上传50M附件