Most php5 thread safe related news are at:

关于工资的三个秘密【转】 9 Mar 2013 | 11:30 am
type=”text/javascript”和language=”Javascript”的区别 15 Jul 2012 | 08:56 am
在制作网页的时候,往往需要在页面中使用客户端能够运行的JS代码,因此,都需要添加引用。JS引用一般有type="text/javascript"和language="Javascript"两种写法,但language这个属性在W3C的HTML标准中,已不再推荐使用。 一般情况下,JS引用方式为: 第①种 <script language="Javascript"></script> 第②种...
More php5 thread safe related news:
Installing APC (3.1.6) on WAMP (64 bit) 26 Mar 2011 | 11:41 am
My dev machine has 64bit wampserver installed on windows 7 (MSVC9 (Visual C++ 2008) , Thread Safe, x64). I wanted a caching solution that works well with this setup – As of this writing, APC is the on...
Vala singletons 1 Apr 2010 | 01:34 am
Just as a matter of interest I asked Juergbi of a way to write a singleton in vala. He proposed the following not-intended to be thread safe method of writing a simple singleton in vala. class Foo { ...
Instalando o PHP 5.3.x – x86 – VC9 – Thread Safe no Windows 7 2 Jul 2011 | 11:42 am
Está é a 2ª etapa de um total de três etapas de um super tutorial que aborda a instalação individual do Apache2.2, PHP5.3.x, e Mysql5.5.x, etapas essas que descrevi em uma breve introdução na postage...
Instalando o MySQL 5.5.8 no Windows 7 1 Jul 2011 | 06:58 am
Se você acompanhou as duas primeiras etapas deste tutorial: 1ª Etapa: Instalando o Apache (compatível com versões VC9 do PHP) no Windows 7 2ª Etapa: Instalando o PHP 5.3.5 ( x86 / VC9 / Thread Safe) ...
Not so obvious multi-thread programming specific bugs. 1 Mar 2011 | 09:17 am
We all know that when writing multi-threaded programs one should remember about few more details like locking, using thread-safe libraries etc. Here is a list of not-so obvious bugs specific to multi-...
PHP 5.3.1 安装包 VC9 VC6 区别是什么 10 Dec 2010 | 11:03 pm
Moocky.Mark's Blog ( ) : 原文地址不详,网站同样的文章太多了! 想更新个PHP的版本,PHP的windows版本已经分离出来了,见,但是上面有很多不同的版本,包括VC9, VC6, x86 Non Thread Safe, x86 Thread Safe, 好...
在win2003下使用iis6+fastcgi+php+mysql 17 Feb 2011 | 06:02 am
1、安装IIS6 2、php,vc9 非线程版本(Non Thread Safe) php的安装 a、把下载回来的压缩包解压缩到 C:\\php5 目录。 b... 21 Jun 2012 | 05:27 pm
Thread-safe collection wrappers and alternative classes -
PHP 5.3.1 安装包 VC9 VC6 区别是什么 10 Dec 2010 | 03:03 pm
Moocky.Mark's Blog ( ) : 原文地址不详,网站同样的文章太多了! 想更新个PHP的版本,PHP的windows版本已经分离出来了,见,但是上面有很多不同的版本,包括VC9, VC6, x86 Non Thread Safe, x86 Thread Safe, 好...
Debugging in Production Part 3 – Thread-Safe Dictionaries 30 Apr 2013 | 04:13 pm
In part 2 we found out that the concurrent access to a generic dictionary triggered a race condition bug that caused threads to get stuck at 100% CPU usage. In this part, I’ll show how easy it is to r...