Most php bug scanner related news are at:

Radamsa Fuzzer Extension for Burp Suite 24 Jun 2013 | 11:25 pm
Radamsa is a cool tool that combines a set of fuzzers which generate data based on input string. You can feed it a PDF file for example and Radamsa will produce a bunch of PDF-alike documents that are...
DEFCON CTF 2013 Quals «grandprix» Writeup 17 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
This time at DEFCON CTF quals there was a special task category, namely OMGACM or competitive programming. Here is a solution to OMGACM 3 task. We have a remote host that offers to play a race game: ...
More php bug scanner related news:
New PHP Bug Allows Remote Code Execution 10 May 2012 | 02:29 am
A new vulnerability has been discovered in PHP that allows attackers to compromise websites that use this popular scripting language. The vulnerability only works when PHP is run in CGI mode, but it i...
Attack against PHP-CGI - DoS, Code disclosure and more... 4 May 2012 | 03:41 am
There is a new PHP bug that just became public today (leaked accidentially, it seems...). A flaw in the PHP CGI’s input sanitation process allows attackers to set command-line options via the query st...
PHP Security Scanner 16 Jan 2011 | 08:54 am
Security code analyzer for php sources. Find security problems in php sources.
PHPでpathinfo関数やbasename関数を使用して、全角を含むファイル名を取得しようとすると失敗する事がある 11 Mar 2011 | 02:18 pm
結論 PHP4、PHP5で、全角ファイル名を含むパスに対して pathinfo関数やbasename関数でファイル名を取得しようとすると失敗する事がある。 ※ファイル名の先頭がマルチバイト文字の場合に失敗する。 ※文字コードの種類によらない ※OSの種類によらない これはPHP4、PHP5の仕様なので、別の手段で対応しよう。 PHP :: Bug #37738 :: basename...
Custom Contact Forms Development Resumes Again 23 Dec 2011 | 05:13 am
Hey guys, after another four month hiatus Custom Contact Form development is resuming. Version will be released in the next couple days which will fix some E_NOTICE PHP bugs. Stay tuned!
PHP Bug Fix 30 Jan 2010 | 03:15 am
Someone brought this bug fix to my attention: If movie contains quotes in name, JavaScript won’t be able to open the file. You must add $movie = htmlentities($movie, ENT_QUOTES); at 64 line in flash....
Month of PHP Bugs started 2 Mar 2007 | 01:47 am
01. March 2007 - the long awaited initiative to improve PHP's security has started
Update FS-2 Antivirus 31/5/2010 4 Jul 2010 | 01:26 pm
Update FS-2 Antivirus 31/5/2010 penambahan database virus, perbaikan pada engine scanner , perbaikan pada bug scanner tidak mau muncul pada beberapa komputer. Ukuran FS-2 antivirus juga menjadi jauh l...
SQL Injection Scanner by KH 15 Aug 2013 | 07:11 am
ane cm mau share aja PHP Code: Scanner SQLi Online (open source) Special Thank To Syam92x + KH ( <?php $listC=array("Indonesia~~~ID","Afghanistan~~~AF","Albania~~~AL","Algeria~~~DZ","...
SQL Injection Scanner by KH 15 Aug 2013 | 07:11 am
ane cm mau share aja PHP Code: Scanner SQLi Online (open source) Special Thank To Syam92x + KH ( <?php $listC=array("Indonesia~~~ID","Afghanistan~~~AF","Albania~~~AL","Algeria~~~DZ","...