Most php captcha 日本語 related news are at:

サクラエディタの強調表示用キーワードファイル(.KWD)を作成する方法 4 Sep 2008 | 02:59 am
オープンソースの国産エディタとして、サクラエディタ(sakura editor)というテキストエディタがあります。 フリーなのに他言語対応・タブ表示・常駐機能・複数の文法強調表示対応などなど、多機能な優れモノなので、PHPの開発にもこれを用いる方も多いのではないでしょうか。 PHPはビルトイン関数が多いため、PHP関数の強調表示を行うとエディタ側がメモリを食うこともあり、当初は強調表示のための...
PHPで日本語ドメインを使う方法 29 Aug 2007 | 02:59 am
IE7の普及とJPNICによる日本語ドメインの価格値下げの効果でしょうか、最近になってやっとpunycodeでエンコードした日本語ドメインが増えてきました。 PHPでも日本語ドメインを使うことがあると思いますが、あまり資料がないようなので、最もお手軽だと思われる方法を紹介します。 まず、コマンドラインから PEAR の Net::IDNAをインストールします。 pear install Net...
More php captcha 日本語 related news:
A Simple Yet Elegant Contact Form In PHP 5 Apr 2009 | 12:29 pm
3 Files Used: contact.php captcha.php captcha.png Requirements: GD Library Installed (For Captacha- it’s 99% likely it’s already installed) Simplicity is bliss. Unfortunately for webmasters, a s...
A more fun php captcha for your forms, choose the cats from the dogs 14 Nov 2007 | 10:00 am
Tired of those strange letters and numbers captcha ? I know how frustrating is to try reading those distorted images. Don't stress your users in the same way, try something easier to keep out those ba...
Handy PHP Code Snippets 26 Aug 2009 | 04:18 pm
1. Human Readable Random String This code will create a human readable string that will look more close to dictionary words, useful for captchas. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? /************** ...
important PHP interview questions and answers 13 Nov 2008 | 12:39 am
Here is some PHP Interview Questions, that will helpfull to PHP Interview Candidates 1. What is CAPTCHA? CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. ...
atualizado: php, curl, cookies, sessions, cpf e site da receita federal 7 Feb 2011 | 03:39 pm
não é nem necessário informar mas, antes de qualquer coisa, vou dizer: aqui você não vai encontrar nada a respeito de cpfs falsos, burlagem de captcha, captura automática de cpfs ou quaisquer outras p...
Membuat contact form php part 2: dilengkapi captcha 27 Feb 2012 | 12:13 am
Sebelumnya saya pernah menulis mengenai contact form “Membuat contact form sederhana dengan php“. Silahkan baca juga tulisan tersebut. Tulisan ini melanjutkan percobaan saya mengenai contact form ters...
Add Captcha Verification To Your Forms 5 Jul 2011 | 04:31 am
In this article we will be using PHP and reCAPTCHA to add a validation box to your forms. To download the full example Click Here *As a quick note this article is separated into 3 pages, to get the ...
PHP Güvenlik Kodu(CAPTCHA) Betiği: Securimage 5 Apr 2009 | 08:49 am
Hepimizin bildiği üzere, web projeleri için botlar en can sıkıcı noktalardan birisidir ve onlardan korunmak için bazı yöntemlere ihtiyaç duyarız. Güvenlik kodu -bir başka adıyla CAPTCHA- uygulamaları ...
Image Generation Using PHP 25 Mar 2009 | 09:24 am
In one of the previous posts about CAPTCHA Image Generation we made use of PHP’s image generation functions but didn’t discuss about them. So, if you had any problems or just want to know more, read o...
How CAPTCHA Works? And a Simple Script in PHP 18 Mar 2009 | 09:47 pm
[For this post I'm presuming that you are familiar with CAPTCHA, if not please read this Introduction to CAPTCHA] Today we are going to see how CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tel...