Most php cms without database related news are at:

Reclaiming disk space in mac 23 Aug 2013 | 07:14 am
If you are using solid state drives, the chances are you won’t have a lot of space to play with because the cost of solid state drives are still quite expensive at the time of writing. One trick to ma...
Language translation in wordpress (tips) 8 Aug 2013 | 04:46 am
Its important to think of language translation when creating plugins, hence is important. Use __ or _e whenever possible. I strongly recommend poedit f...
More php cms without database related news:
Statamic – Fast and Powerful CMS Without the Database 20 Jun 2012 | 01:50 am
I work with CMS’s every day, and have for several years. But today Statamic CMS launched to the public and I’m giddy not unlike a school girl. So why am I so excited about Statamic? Why should you co...
PHP to MySQL Database Connection Tutorial 22 Jul 2012 | 06:39 pm
You may want to add a database, let it be for any purpose, and let your users to search it in your Drupal site. You can do so in Drupal site without creating any block or anything else without affect...
Statamic – Fast and Powerful CMS Without the Database 19 Jun 2012 | 10:50 pm
I work with CMS’s every day, and have for several years. But today Statamic CMS launched to the public and I’m giddy not unlike a school girl. So why am I so excited about Statamic? Why should you co...
Camaleon - Full Flash CMS Template 24 Mar 2010 | 09:12 am
Camaleon - Full Flash CMS Template HTML / FLA / SWF / PHP / XML / JS / MP3 / JPG / 13.3 Mb Features: - Full Flash Template with C.M.S panel, add, update and delete your template without leaving the ...
Database Driven Websites 5 Aug 2010 | 09:03 am
PHP and MySql websites comprise most of what we’ve talked about when it comes to blogs and cms systems. With both of these systems the overhead on the web server becomes and issue. If the site should...
Free/Open Source CodeIgniter Scripts 12 Mar 2011 | 11:18 pm
BackEndPro BackEndPro is a control panel for developers written in PHP for the CodeIgniter framework. It provides the beginnings of a solid CMS for those wanting to build their own without the need t...
Pilih Joomla, WordPress, atau … ??? 9 Apr 2010 | 08:01 pm
Perbandingan CMS (Content Management Sistem) Open Source Bagi para pembuat website & blog berbasis php & mysql (database), content management system (cms) diperlukan untuk membangun sebuah website, m...
Instalasi CMS e107 di Server Eropa 18 Jun 2008 | 02:54 am
Berikut adalah step by step instalasi CMS e107 di Web Hosting Gratis Server Eropa. Yang kita butuhkan untuk instalasi e107 adalah PHP dan MySQL (username, password, database dan host). Pertama kita bu...
Winning Is A Choice Inside Web Hosting Lead Generation 10 Jun 2012 | 12:40 pm
Try to find features just like PHP, Mysql database, Perl, FTP, and much more. Without these power tools, your site may not work properly. It’s also good to determine if they offer virtually any extras...
Camaleon - Full Flash CMS Template 24 Mar 2010 | 05:12 am
Camaleon - Full Flash CMS Template HTML / FLA / SWF / PHP / XML / JS / MP3 / JPG / 13.3 Mb Features: - Full Flash Template with C.M.S panel, add, update and delete your template without leaving the ...