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Static Analysis with HipHop for PHP 28 Jan 2012 | 09:00 am
In July 2010 I already blogged about the fact that HipHop for PHP, the source code transformer that turns PHP code into C++ code that can then be compiled with g++, can also be used for static code an...
Vulnerability Could Affect Hosting Customers 14 Feb 2012 | 07:45 pm
All customers running vBSEO™ on their hosting accounts are vulnerable to a PHP code injection exploit that was released on January 27, 2012. This vulnerability allows an attacker to inject and execute...
Quick PHP Code is back! 30 Apr 2008 | 04:25 pm
Quick PHP Code is back! So appology for the delays caused due to some unavoidable circumstances. We are no back!
PHP: Currency Exchange using XML-RPC client 11 May 2007 | 05:08 am
This is an example PHP code I wrote to demonstrate how to connect to Foxrate Currency Exchange server and retrieve the latest exchange rate. The example uses The Incutio XML-RPC for PHP library. Plea...
Suspicious PHP Code In My WordPress Theme File 3 Feb 2012 | 06:55 pm
Malicious code on WordPress Recently I got my site not working. It seems there is an error in my functions.php "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/x/public_html/wp-content/themes/tak...
Refactoring Your PHP Code 8 Jul 2009 | 07:50 am
This article describes in a nutshell what I learned from the Refactoring Workshop with Lars Jankowfsky and Thorsten Rinne at the International PHP Conference 2009 Spring Edition in Berlin some weeks a...
Import Data from Excel 8 Sep 2009 | 04:10 pm
Importing Data from the excel sheet can be done in php on following way, <?php require_once ‘reader.php’; $filename=”test.xls”; $prod=parseExcel($filename); echo” “; function parseExcel($excel_...
Handy PHP Code Snippets 26 Aug 2009 | 04:18 pm
1. Human Readable Random String This code will create a human readable string that will look more close to dictionary words, useful for captchas. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? /************** ...
Facebook Hacker Cup 2011 Qualification Round: the PHP code 11 Jan 2011 | 11:57 pm
I wrote about how I completed the 3 exercices of Facebook’s Hacker Cup 2011 qualification round in my previous posts (Double Squares, Peg Game and Studious Student) and now I’ll provide the code I wro...