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C# Case-Insensitive String Compare 12 Jun 2012 | 03:43 am
Sometimes you need to compare two strings and return a match, regardless of what case the strings are. One approach would be to uppercase (or lowercase) both strings then use the string.Compare() func...
Google Spreadsheet: How to compare two strings and highlight the differences 30 Jul 2013 | 12:41 pm
From the postbag Marjolein Hoekstra (CleverClogs) writes: Short description Can you make a Google Script for me that compares two strings character by character? If differences are found, the script ...
PHP: Shorthand IF – ELSE Statement 10 Jul 2013 | 01:50 pm
The IF – ELSE statement in PHP has a shorthand version if you are comparing two values. A conditional operator “?:” (or ternary) operator is used to shorten this statement down to one line. The expres...
[php]vsprintf VS preg_replace 26 May 2009 | 12:53 pm
I want to formart a simple string in PHP. There are two ways to do this. One is vsprintf and another preg_replace. But who is faster? I have tested both of them. I find that vsprintf run more faster ...
Compare dates using PHP 4 Mar 2012 | 05:00 pm
In this tutorial, we will use a PHP date compare method to determine which of two (or more) dates is earlier or later. This is extremely handy in various applications where we want to know which of a ...
Very Cool Affiliate Plugin $30 Off for Two Days 4 Feb 2010 | 03:27 pm
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/heresyfo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/maxblogpress-optin-form-adder/optin-form-adder-lib/include/optin-form-adder.cls.php on li...
PHP Resources 20 Jul 2010 | 08:13 am
A list with PHP functions to save time or save the day. Helpful PHP functions Cats who code – PHP snippets Cats who code – PHP string functions Edrackham – Get days between two dates 24 hour apps...
解决 PHP 中 usort 在值相同时改变原始位置的问题 16 Jun 2011 | 02:23 am
从 PHP 4.1.0 后,usort 在比较的值相同时,原始位置可能会改变,文档中是这样说的:If two members compare as equal, their order in the sorted array is undefined. 也就是说,如果比较的2个值相同,则它们在排序结果中的顺序是随机的。如果你需要保持相同值的原始位置,可以参考本文的方法。 继续阅读 →
PHP – How to Color Text 9 Jul 2012 | 05:51 am
Sometimes you will need to color the output text of echo message in PHP, like coloring the output string “postcard printing is trending a lot”. It can be completed in one of any two ways depending up...
PHP – How to Color Text in php 9 Jul 2012 | 02:51 am
Sometimes you will need to color the output text of echo message in PHP, like coloring the output string “postcard printing is trending a lot”. It can be completed in one of any two ways depending up...