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More php cookie klasse related news:
MongoSession – Ein PHP Session-Handler mit MongoDB 3 Sep 2010 | 08:43 pm
MongoSession MongoSession ist eine Implementierung eines MongoDB Session-Handlers für PHP. Diese Klasse wurde als drop-in Lösung entwickelt um von normalem Session-Handling einfach umstellen zu könne...
mpPhpTemplate - Eine einfache und effektive PHP Template Klasse 1 Sep 2008 | 01:21 pm
PHP ist eine eingebettete Sprache, d. h. der PHP-Code lässt sich mit HTML-Code mischen. Dieser Vorteil gegenüber anderen Sprachen ist vielleicht bei kleineren/einfachen Seiten ein
Creating PHP Cookies 25 Jul 2010 | 09:32 pm
Basis When you create a cookie, using the function setcookie, you must specify three arguments. These arguments are setcookie(name, value, expiration): 1. name: The name of your cookie. You will use...
PHP Cookies Tutorial And PHP Cookies Examples 7 Mar 2007 | 01:36 am
In the course of developing highly interactive web sites it is necessary to deal with large amount of data flow between client browswer and web server. It is quite cumbersome handling such large amoun...
PHP Cookies not working 20 Sep 2009 | 03:47 pm
PHP Cookie won't work, due to "expire" parameter? PHP Cookie Problem occurs when your web server have different timezone than yours. Read PHP Cookie Troubleshoot Continue reading →
[PHP] Cookie e localhost 21 Oct 2012 | 07:35 pm
Ultimamente sono incappato in un piccolo problemino sulla mia slackware. Ho un piccolo serverino apache in locale con cui realizzo progetti di lavoro. Mi è successa una cosa strana, non riuscivo a set...
PHP Cookie 跨目录读取不了解决,不同目录不能读解决。 8 Dec 2012 | 07:18 am
PHP读cookies就不用说了。关于Cookies的作用,只要你想在客户端做手脚,嘿嘿,都懂的。 读不了关键是因为写的原因。我们来看下SetCookies函数参数 int SetCookie(string name, string value, int expire, string path, string domain, int secure); 了解大概了吧。string path这个...
Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites 2 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm
Nginx fastcgi cache with php-fpm can be a super fast of serving WordPress Mu. Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites are an interesting thing to get set up because of the cookie situation. Yo...
oDesk php 5 test answers 30 Jan 2012 | 11:34 am
oDesk php 5 test answers Question 1 The setrawcookie() method of setting cookie is different from php standard method of cookie setting as : It does not allow expiry time to be set It can be used ...
Using PHP, Javascript and Cookies to create a robust Splash Page ... 18 Feb 2012 | 04:44 pm
How can I use this script to fire something like Thickbox or Shadowbox – overlay ... Check out my new ecommerce module for SilverStripe...