Most php cr lf related news are at:

Flash is NOT dead 10 Nov 2011 | 05:00 am
Yesterday Adobe announced that the development of the Flash Player for mobile browsers will be stopped, it doesn't mean that Flash is dead!
Flash Player 11 and the 3D 13 Oct 2011 | 05:00 am
The Flash Player 11 and the 3D capabilities change again the web, let's explore some resources to start with the new Stage3D...
More php cr lf related news:
کلاسی برای رمزنگاری اطلاعات 1 Oct 2009 | 07:21 pm
ه مقاله بسیار عالی که برنامه نویس تو اون به شیوه های رمز نگاری پرداخته. read more
Remix "Freedom To Love" Out Today!! 24 Aug 2011 | 06:07 am
The remix single is out today at Traxsource : exclusively for 2 1/2 weeks before becoming available on itunes and the other m...
Migrarea către PHP 5.3.0 1 Jul 2009 | 08:46 am
În timp ce programatorii PHP încep să descarce si să testeze cea mai mare modifcare adusă limbajului de programare din ultimii 7 ani, mulţi se întreabă nu despre ce le-a adus Moş Crăciun în sacul lui ...
Hlasujte pro LF 22 Aug 2009 | 08:43 pm
Hlásněte pro LaFee aby byla tuto sobotu a neděli ve Vivě Speciál tady » «
[转]SMTP命令使用详解 9 Jul 2012 | 05:46 pm
什么是 SMTP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) : 电子邮件从客户机传输到服务器或从某一个服务器传输到另一个服务器使用的传输协议。 SMTP 是请求/响应协议,命令和响应都是基于 ASCII 文本,并以 CR 和 LF 符结束。响应包括一个表示返回状态的三位数字代码。SMTP 在 TCP 协议 25 端口监听连接请求。 什么是 ESMTP ESMT...
CRLF Injection Attack 21 Jul 2012 | 10:04 pm
The term CRLF stands for Carriage Return (CR, ASCII 13, \r) Line Feed (LF, ASCII 10, \n). These are ACSII characters which display nothing on screen but are very widely used to indicate an end of line...
Review - Box of I.D.E.As - WWII Pearl Harbor 28 Sep 2012 | 05:00 pm
Box of I.D.E.As WWII Pearl Harbor Web site: Cost: $49.00 pdf, $79.00 physical box, $4.00 additional modules Ages: 9-16 “Box of IDEAs is a company dedicated to cr...
Casualità 15 Jan 2013 | 01:59 pm
Tentativo di frode ai danni degli utenti Poste Italiane/Poste Pay con form allegato alla mail. Il form invia i dati inseriti nello stesso su Il dominio è stato cr...
怎样的SEO外链才是好外链1010 17 May 2013 | 08:56 am
怎样的SEO外链才是好外链 对于SEO有些了解的人听到SEO外链,,可能他会说:“SEO外链不就是锚文本带个链接吗” 其实这种说话是不全面的,如果认为单纯一个锚文本链接就是外链,那你必须去补习 一下SEO知识。 1,SEO外链不单单知识 ...
Honda CR-Z Price List Philippines 26 Apr 2013 | 02:03 pm
The All New CR-Z will have the following price list: Standard (Manual Transmission) Php 1,400,000 Standard (CVT with Paddle Shifters) Php 1,500,000 Modulo (Manual Transmission) Php 1,500,000 Modulo (C...