Most php include vs require related news are at:

I’m a bit too excited about a fucking vacuum cleaner 26 Aug 2013 | 02:25 am
I’m a bit too excited about a fucking vacuum cleaner
"What a frightening thing is the human, a mass of gauges and dials and registers, and we can only..." 26 Aug 2013 | 12:17 am
“What a frightening thing is the human, a mass of gauges and dials and registers, and we can only read a few and those perhaps not accurately.” - The Winter of our Discontent
More php include vs require related news:
[PHP] include や require 等で読み込まれた外部ファイルを一覧表示する 24 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
include や require で外部ファイルを大量に読み込まれていて、どんなファイルが読み込まれているのか知りたい場合は get_included_files 関数を使うと列挙してくれます。 使い方は簡単で、get_included_files 関数を実行すると、読み込まれている外部ファイルの一覧を配列として返してくれます。 [php]
WordPress调用站外文章解决方法小结 28 Apr 2012 | 06:48 pm
下面说说外部网站调用wordpress博客热门文章列表实现方法: 首先在你要被外部调用文章的网站根目录下建立一个php文件,命名为blog_call.php。 内容如下: <?php // Include WordPress //该文件放置在你要调取的博客的主目录 define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false); require(‘./wp-load.php’); q...
Kohana 3 :: Loading Classes 11 Dec 2010 | 01:49 am
Kohana takes advantage of PHP autoloading. This removes the need to call include or require before using a class. For instance, when you want to use the Cookie::set method, you just call: Or to load ...
common php questions and answers 26 Jan 2011 | 05:38 pm
What does a special set of tags do in PHP? - The output is displayed directly to the browser. What’s the difference between include and require? - It’s how they handle failures. If the file is not fo...
PHP编程时你没有注意过的小细节 1 Mar 2011 | 08:22 pm
php常常是以”<?”开始,”?>”结尾;但实际上我们可以不用写”?>”,而且官方手册还推荐大家使用当使用 include() 或者 require() 时省略掉。(见语言参考-基本语法-指令分隔符中Note) 文件末尾的 PHP 代码段结束标记可以不要,有些情况下当使用 include() 或者 require() 时省略掉会更好些,这样不期望的白空格就不会出现在文件末尾,之后仍然可以输出响应...
Создание PDF средствами PHP. Часть 1 19 Dec 2008 | 02:16 am
Класс FPDF является чистым PHP кодом и легко подключается к скриптам командой include() или require(). Скачать класс и ознакомиться с документацией (в том числе на русском языке) можно на сайте www.fp...
PHP 中require、require_once、include、include_once区别 20 May 2011 | 01:55 pm
require() :包含并运行指定文件。 include() :包含并运行指定文件。 require_once() :包含并运行指定文件,如果目标文件已经包含过,则不再次包含,和require() 语句类似。 include_once() 包含并运行指定文件,如果目标文件已经包含过,则不再次包含,和include() 语句类似。 require()和require_once()的区别: 如果被包...
Using php include in wordpress 25 Feb 2010 | 12:08 pm
I've been at it before, but when i need it is forgotten again. This time I'm making a post as a reminder. Using include php in wordpress posts, pages or widgets requires a plug in. I have used Exec-ph...
Introduction To PHP Include & Require 14 Apr 2013 | 08:02 am
The PHP Include function is used to pull different pages together into one. For example, a default header, menu, and footer can be included on multiple content pages. When you want to update the menu,...
Differenza tra include e require 13 May 2013 | 04:00 am
Entrambi le istruzioni include e require hanno lo scopo di richiamare il contenuto di un file all’interno di un file .php. Vengono utilizzati per evitare che del codice venga ricopiato manualmente in ...