Most php jabber chat related news are at:
Smart Image Resizer 25 Sep 2008 | 03:43 am
smart image resizer php a simple way to create thumbnails and more on the fly Features Resizes JPEGs, GIFs, and PNGs Intelligently sharpens for crisp photos at any size Can crop based on width:hei...
CrossSlide 22 Sep 2008 | 02:50 pm
crossslide-a-jquery-plugin-to-create-pan-and-cross-fade-animations-mozilla-firefox1 CrossSlide CrossSlide is a jQuery plugin that implements in Javascript some common slide-show animations, traditio...
More php jabber chat related news:
PHP base Chat Application is Up and running 1 Mar 2007 | 01:07 am
I am very excited today, I have finally my chat app ready and working. I have shown my application to all my collegues they throughly enjoyed it. Soon I will be writing the article about the entire d...
Subject: PHPFreeChat removing php free chat logo - by: felix 5 Nov 2012 | 06:51 am
Supposedly, the below parameter hides the PHP Free Chat logo: But, it hasn't for me on PHPFreeChat v1.5. So if you're having same problem and want to remove the logo, edit the following file: themes...
Запрос к базе с страницы чата php 22 Aug 2013 | 04:20 pm
Таблица chat: Собственно поля: id_room - номер комнаты чата от 1 до 5 id_login - id юзера из основной таблицы (это автор поста) id_login_from - id юзера из основной таблицы (кому адресовано сообще...
Without Your Head Live Tonight 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Without Your Head Horror Radio Live Tonight 9PM EST 6PM PST !!! [url=]IYH Chat Room[/url] [url=]Listen Live.[/url] Back up s...
Clientes IRC para GNU/Linux 25 Sep 2009 | 12:00 pm
A pesar de que en la actualidad ha sido desplazado por otros protocolos y clientes de mensajería instantánea como MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Jabber o Gtalk, el IRC (Internet Relay Chat) es un protocolo de...
Miranda IM 0.9.49 İndir 22 May 2012 | 01:13 am
Miranda IM çoklu chat protokolü destekli ücretsiz bir yazılımdır. ICQ, AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, IRC gibi çok popüler chat ortamları için teker teker program kurmak yerine sadece Miranda ile hepsini bi...
STOS ( Smart Try Out System) Beta released 15 Dec 2010 | 02:34 pm
Hi All, please visit my new project for education..I create an Online test with flash including a highscore system with xml, user login, and flash chat with php and Mysql. Visit http://janggeng.0fee...
В сети "ВКонтакте" началось открытое тестирование поддержки протокола XMPP (Jabber) 14 Jul 2010 | 08:19 pm
Обмениваться сообщениями в популярной соц. сети можно теперь из любимого Jabber-клиента ! Вот инструкция по настройке :
Wspaniała bramka Jabber w PHP 20 Jan 2011 | 11:01 pm
Nie od dziś wiadomo, że Jabber to najbardziej popularna forma komunikacji przez internet, dlatego dziś chce przedstawić jak w php napisać bramkę www, która będzie wysłać wiadomości z strony www na kom...
jk_kimpuler 17 Dec 2011 | 10:22 am
Programmer Web PHP Reliable for web designer and PHP/mysql , Jquery,Javascript,JSON CSS, CMS WordPress, CMS Joomla Dreamweaver cs4 ,flash 8 Adobe Potoshop Cs+ Code Igniter my chat : chat skype : ki...