Most php json decode related news are at:

Use Mouse Buttons to Perform Copy / Paste in Linux (Updated) 4 Mar 2013 | 08:39 pm
This is a following-up post for this post. In my previous post, I have discussed how to perform copy/paste quickly using mouse buttons. The setup requires Compiz. If you use Compiz as your window mana...
Use Mouse Buttons to Perform Copy / Paste in Ubuntu 28 Jul 2012 | 02:57 pm
As a programmer, the ability perform copy and paste efficiently is vital to me. What can be more efficient than Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V -- you might ask. Well, they are very efficient if you are right-hande...
More php json decode related news:
Translating Text Using the Google Translate API and PHP, JSON and cURL 6 May 2011 | 12:00 pm
Google Translate is a service from Google that you can use to translate text or HTML from one language to another. One of the great features of this service is that they now offer an API to let you pr...
Translating Text Using the Google Translate API and PHP, JSON and cURL 11 Jun 2012 | 01:36 pm
Google Translate is a service from Google that you can use to translate text or HTML from one language to another. One of the great features of this service is that they now offer an API to let you pr...
PHP - JSON Webservice 2 Jun 2012 | 12:30 am
Web Services adalah sebuah layanan yang disediakan sebuah sistem untuk meningkatkan kolaborasi antar sistem. Webservice disediakan oleh suatu sistem, misalkan sebuah website yang menyediakan layanan ...
根据QQ号获取用户信息的接口。 10 Aug 2013 | 07:47 pm [...] 您可能也喜欢: 授权中心服务器调整,请受到500错误影响的收费用户更新接口 tmall天猫获取所有商品信息的采集规则(php json) Discuz!7.0.0随机用户名发布接口正式发布,带附件和分类信息发布功能 QQ害死人 无觅
PHP Base64 Decode if Encoded Otherwise Leave Intact 25 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm
I had a scenario where an API I was working with would sometimes base64 encode data (instead of using CDATA which is the more usual approach). However to really make things interesting, they didn’t al...
PHP Base64 Decode if Encoded Otherwise Leave Intact 25 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm
I had a scenario where an API I was working with would sometimes base64 encode data (instead of using CDATA which is the more usual approach). However to really make things interesting, they didn’t al...
PHP: How to json_encode numbers properly 11 Jan 2012 | 12:15 pm
Here is a handy tip about PHP’s json_encode function. In some cases numeric data may appear as numeric strings, for example 1 as “1″. While consuming the json data on a client app that would mean an...
Improving Drupal's Performance with Quercus and Jetty (PHP in Java) 18 Apr 2009 | 07:55 pm
Quercus is Caucho Technology's 100% Java implementation of PHP 5 released under the Open Source GPL license. Quercus comes with many PHP modules and extensions like PDF, PDO, MySQL, and JSON. Quercus ...
Web Designer 18 Feb 2012 | 10:24 am
We have the skills to the needs and development and website site: PHP/mysql , web designer ,Javascript,Jquery,JSON ,CSS valid xhtml, CMS WordPress, CMS Joomla ,Dreamweaver cs4 ,flash 8 ,banner flash,...
jk_kimpuler 17 Dec 2011 | 10:22 am
Programmer Web PHP Reliable for web designer and PHP/mysql , Jquery,Javascript,JSON CSS, CMS WordPress, CMS Joomla Dreamweaver cs4 ,flash 8 Adobe Potoshop Cs+ Code Igniter my chat : chat skype : ki...