Most php mail smtp related news are at:

Re: Difference between VPS and dedicated server. 16 Jan 2013 | 12:14 am
Quote from: nikk on February 14, 2009, 12:32:18 am Can someone tell me, the basic difference between VPS and dedicated server? Its bit urgent. Need your help. Article from Wikipedia: A virtual priv...
data security 15 Jan 2013 | 04:15 pm
I would like to keep on the VPS my personal information, not only as the backup, but just store data on the VPS. I am interested in whether the information will be adequately protected, not only from ...
More php mail smtp related news:
CentOS Php Mail SMTP script 25 Mar 2013 | 02:59 pm
La idea es hacer un script que utilice una cuenta de correo y su password y envíe a través de nuestro SMTP (QMAIL). En este post se verá que hay que editar el php.ini para conseguir que PEAR funcione ...
Impossible d'envoyer des emails avec Joomla 24 Jul 2013 | 06:21 pm
Bonjour, Je viens d'installer Joomla 2.5 sur mon hébergement (remplacez POINT par . ) Tout fonctionne sauf le formulaire de contact. J'ai tout essayé : envoi par PHP Mail, SMTP.....
Simple PHP mail script that works 23 Dec 2010 | 06:13 am
From the Apache forums: I’m posting this message for the benefit of other newbies like me. Thanks to CHASE’s advice, I now have a very simple mail script that works: <?php $to = $_REQUEST['MyEmail'] ;...
Mudança obrigatória na porta de envio de mensagens 28 Sep 2010 | 08:56 am
Atendendo a uma determinação do Comitê Gestor da Internet Brasil, a partir de 2010 o Via RS, bem como todos os outros provedores de internet, estão trocando as configurações de envio de e-mails (SMTP)...
Enviar mail con Joomla 14 Jun 2011 | 09:01 pm
Para enviar mail mediante Joomla, no se puede/debe usar la función de PHP mail() cómo se podría hacer normalmente. Pero Joomla incluye la clase JMail y para enviar un mail es bastante sencillo una vez...
PHP mail class that send html+attached PDF and works on Gmail (browser) 20 Oct 2011 | 08:23 pm
PHP mail class that send html+attached PDF and works on Gmail (browser) It resolves the Gmail in browser issue where the mail contains only a noname file or the mail code not parsed . This is a clas...
PHP Mail Class 4 Feb 2008 | 04:56 am
This is a very simple mailer class that is also easy to use. HTML code generated by vim-color-improved v.0.4.0.Download this code: mail.php Usage Using the mail class is easy. Simply create a new Z...
Sending emails in PHP & email injection attacks 15 Oct 2006 | 09:52 pm
Learn to send HTML emails in PHP using the mail() function. Also learn how to prevent email injections or PHP mail form spam.
PHP - Mail Tool zum schnellen Versenden von E-Mails 19 Sep 2008 | 03:42 am
Name: Mail Tool Funktion: E-Mails einfach und schnell versenden Version: 1.2 PHP Version: 4 / 5 Sprachen: Deutsch Achtung: Ich habe diesen Artikel unter Joomla abgelegt, es handelt sich jedoch um ein...
Plugin WP Mail SMTP – Gửi mail SMTP trong WordPress 8 Jun 2012 | 11:17 am
Trong wordpress, thông thường để gửi mail sẽ được thực hiện thông qua hàm wp_mail() với các thông số SMTP cài đặt sẵn trong file php.ini. Đôi khi hàm mail này thường bị khóa nhất là các host share ở ...