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I have tried for a couple of months now to make my first few dollars online. I knew that I was really good at certain things, and that people would want to work with me, but I never could figure out a...
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The precise title of the web site is It is a dating site that specializes in allowing ordinary people to meet well-off partners, who themselves might just be looking for a wi...
More php nuke blog related news:
Update site to WordPress 22 Feb 2012 | 03:34 pm
The old PHP Nuke site was running tired, hard to update and add to. So move across to WordPress which was not to difficult a migration to complete including all the post data from the old Nuke site. A...
New site framwork has landed! 9 Jul 2009 | 03:48 am
Welcome my fellow clan members and visitors of our small site. As you can see we have finally managed to move the clan headquarter from an old (php nuke based) CMS to a rather new and very promising s...
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Why Django blog with WordPress ? 16 Nov 2008 | 10:21 am
Reading about Django related stuff on WordPress (PHP) powered blog might be disrespectful to simple yet powerful Python based framework like Django, which let’s you create a decent blog within couple ...
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Daftar Aplikasi dalam fasilitas Auto-Installer Softaculous 13 Aug 2011 | 07:02 am
Blogs WordPress b2evolution LifeType Dotclear Textpattern Nucleus Serendipity Open Blog eggBlog Pixie WordPress MU Micro Blogs StatusNet Portals/CMS Zikula Joomla Geeklog Drupal Mambo PHP-Nuke Website...
PHP Nuke Clan System 13 Mar 2012 | 09:07 pm
PHP Nuke Clan System PHP Nuke Clan CMS Projekt ist ein freies englisches Open Source Content Management System (CMS) für Gaming Clans. Mit völlig integrierten Versionen von Phpnuke und vWar und Sque...
ABD Php Nuke Template 29 Dec 2010 | 04:47 am
Ancho: fijo Color: Blanco y azul Incluye foro phpBB style: no Autor: desconocido Descarga: cualquiera Descargar PhpNuke Themes
007 PHP Nuke Theme 16 Sep 2010 | 03:10 am
Ancho: fijo Color: celeste y blanco Incluye foro phpBB: no El 007 es simplemente un número, no tiene nada que ver con James Bond como su nombre podría inducir a pensar. Autor: desconocido Descarga: cu...