Most php regular expression tester related news are at:

Database problems 13 Jan 2010 | 10:37 pm
The server still have some major problems, even after I closed down the widget. For people still having the old widget up, please uninstall the old widget since it will never work again. The new one w...
yrWeather widget replace by tWeather 5 Jan 2010 | 11:38 am
As announced earlier I had to rewrite the yrWeather widget to not use my server as a converter from xml to json. The 500k+ requests per day is causing big problems for my server and my other projects....
More php regular expression tester related news:
A Few Handy PHP Regular Expressions (RegEx) 18 Jan 2008 | 06:38 am
I frequently find that I am looking around the Internet for various Regular Expressions and sometimes I tend to have trouble finding just the right one.Then when I do, I use it and forget all abou...
15 PHP Regular Expression 7 Aug 2009 | 01:39 am
Basically, a regular expression is a pattern describing a certain amount of text. Their name comes from the mathematical theory on which they are based. Regular expressions syntax: foo – The st...
Best online regex testers regular expression testers online free 18 Mar 2012 | 11:17 pm
Mastering Regex or regular expressions is not an easy task. It takes a lot of trial and error initially until you get a hang of it. However until one can achieve mastery over regex or regular expressi...
Introduction to Regular Expressions in PHP 18 Jan 2008 | 11:17 pm
Introduction to Regular Expressions in PHP Regular expressions were created by an American mathematician named Stephen Kleene. PHP supports two different types of regular expressions: POSIX-extended ...
php regular expressions start of line: Removing a substring from the start of a string 11 Mar 2006 | 03:26 pm
When using regular expressions with PHP one must take care of a few minute details. For instance, today I received a request to debug an application. $patterns[0] = "/^Top/"; $replacements[0] = 'bea...
Best online regex testers regular expression testers online free 18 Mar 2012 | 07:17 pm
Mastering Regex or regular expressions is not an easy task. It takes a lot of trial and error initially until you get a hang of it. However until one can achieve mastery over regex or regular expressi...
php – Regular Expression Schnipsel – Links aus -Tags 11 Sep 2012 | 02:29 am
Habe zu dem Thema (“Reguläre Ausdrücke”) bereits ausführlicher geschrieben -> <- daher folgt hier einfach ein Beispiel, welches man sic...
php – Regular Expression Schnipsel – Escaping “/” 25 Sep 2012 | 02:56 pm
Hier ein kleines Beispiel wie man die Lesbarkeit von RegEx durch den Delimiter “#” verbessern kann … $zeichenkette = " Informationen / test, lall / Linux / lall123"; #$suchmuster = "/^[^\/]*...
An even better visual regular expression tester 4 Jul 2013 | 10:15 pm
For those of you who have not seen the Visual Regex Tester yet, this video should be informative, and for those of you who have, make sure to check out the new reverse-syntax highlighting features tha...
php – Regular Expression Schnipsel – Links aus -Tags 11 Sep 2012 | 02:29 am
Habe zu dem Thema (“Reguläre Ausdrücke”) bereits ausführlicher geschrieben -> <- daher folgt hier einfach ein Beispiel, welches man sic...