Most php routing url related news are at:

A quick note out of nowhere. 18 Jan 2013 | 11:14 am
I have been waiting for pligg 2.0 to release for a small project and bouncing around the site every couple days to check progress. I have to say it is one of the weirdest ways I’ve ever seen an “open-...
Facelift and new features 20 Jun 2011 | 01:25 pm
I decided that it was time for a face lift and some new features here on phpaddiction. First up is a new look thanks to the Karma theme from TrueThemes.
More php routing url related news:
PHP: Converting URLs and Email Addresses into HTML Links 12 Nov 2011 | 04:32 pm
Recently, I needed to find a way to search a text string and convert any URLs and/or email addresses contained within that string (including plain old ‘www’ web addresses) into proper HTML links. Thi...
اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 16 Jan 2012 | 01:33 pm
اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 با سه پوسته متفاوت » دانلود مستقیم اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 » حجم : ۵٫۵۸ مگابایت
En las mejores librerías, feria del libro y en la tienda online... 7 Jun 2011 | 11:06 pm
En las mejores librerías, feria del libro y en la tienda online de Dibbuks:
PHP Get URL Tutorial For Free 25 Dec 2009 | 10:24 pm
Blood pressure PHP Get URL measurements done with the steps as follows. Place the bell of the stethoscope over the brachial artery, to try to avoid the noise with a stethoscope is not touching the pat...
MindUp BioResearch 2 May 2010 | 10:00 pm
MindUp BioResearch is a website I’ve built for group of medical researchers. Client Mina Mar Group Services Layout Design – Photoshop Coding – XHTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP Website URL http://www.min...
PHP Convert String SEO Friendly 26 May 2012 | 09:03 am
This tutorial explains how to create SEO friendly URL using PHP. Friendly URLs improves your site's search engines ranking. To make a SEO friendly URL a string must be sanitized for certain things lik...
CodeIgniter Talk : Mod Rewrite 15 Mar 2012 | 09:52 pm
CodeIgniter secara default akan meletakan index.php pada url website sebelum nama controller dan fungsinya. Index.php berperan sangat penting pada CodeIgniter karena ini merupakan front controller bag...
How to implement Add to Wists into you application or site in 10 seconds: 11 Apr 2009 | 01:09 pm
Add the following code next to each item you want people to be able to add to Wists: <a href="*url*&t=*title*"><img src=""/></a> Replace, *ur...
Menghilangkan index.php di Codeigniter 18 Dec 2011 | 02:36 am
Untuk mendukung SEO ada beberapa tips dan trik di Codeigniter salah satunya dengan cara menghilangkan index.php pada url. Dengan begitu url akan terlihatSEO Friendly.. ok langsung aja buka file conf...
Php Kısa Url Üretme (PHP Short URL Generator) 13 Sep 2011 | 12:25 pm
PLAIN TEXT PHP: //Short base_convert(rand(),10,36); //Long echo base_convert(mt_rand(),10,36); base_convert kullanımı hakkında türkçe makale için tıklayınız. 75 views