Most php treat variable as stream related news are at:
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Use Drupal as a direct project prototype and project management tool 8 Dec 2012 | 06:25 pm
Currently I manage a Drupal project based on Drupal commerce. While I am writing the specs for the project, I really feel that actually we can use Drupal as a platform serve as prototype and project d...
Use Drupal as a direct project prototype and project management tool 8 Dec 2012 | 06:25 pm
Currently I manage a Drupal project based on Drupal commerce. While I am writing the specs for the project, I really feel that actually we can use Drupal as a platform serve as prototype and project d...
More php treat variable as stream related news:
Extract/Import Object properties into Currect Symbol Table in PHP 2 Sep 2011 | 11:17 am
If we want to import an associative array into current symbol table then we can use extract function. This function treats associative array keys as variable name and values as variable values. But w...