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How to Use Forum Posting for Backlink Building 27 Aug 2013 | 04:04 pm
Forum posting may be a good way to urge relevant backlinks and drive targeted traffic to your web site or web log. The additional threads and comments you post, the additional traffic you get from you...
[WTS] blogposts and links on pr3 news site, Unique Content, Owner 27 Aug 2013 | 03:39 pm
1 OBL SEOMoz Metrix: DA 17, PA 31, links 17 Google Index 716 price for Blogpost – $40 - we write price for Blogpost – $15 - you write price for link from homepage - $20 per month price for link ...
More php user avatar tutorial related news:
Simple PHP Contact Form Tutorial 30 May 2010 | 07:16 pm
When you need that user contact with you or send feedback to you via email then you have to need make a contact form. In thi tutorial you will learn that how to create form with php script.
Simple PHP Contact Form Tutorial 30 May 2010 | 03:16 pm
When you need that user contact with you or send feedback to you via email then you have to need make a contact form. In thi tutorial you will learn that how to create form with php script.
CSS Tutorial to build your own CSS website – Part 7 28 May 2012 | 09:18 pm
Part 7 – PHP Require Statements, moving to individual PHP header and footer tags, and custom CSS standalone menus. This is part of an ongoing series of videos to teach the everyday user how to build a...
Data Integrity using MySQL and PHP 11 Mar 2012 | 01:25 pm
This is a tutorial which tells the users how to integrate data by using php and mysql.The author provides info to the users that this tutorial will start with an overview of relational concepts and th...
Tutorial: Implementing Google+ API using OAuth 2.0 in PHP 15 Nov 2011 | 08:30 pm
On September 15, 2011 Google released Google+ APIs to public. Google+ API is a programming interface to Google+. With the help of this API users can integrate apps or websites with Google+. Currently,...
Tutorial: Integrate Facebook Connect to your website using PHP SDK v.3.x.x which uses Graph API 19 Sep 2011 | 06:44 am
Now-a-days it is common for websites to have Facebook Connect integrated to it. Facebook Connect is the iteration of Facebook Platform that allows users to ‘connect’ their Facebook identity, friends a...
Script Define untuk web PHP 21 Dec 2011 | 05:01 pm
Dulu sekali, saya pernah membuat 2 tutorial yang menyinggung masalah PHP Redirect, dimana redirect ini sebetulnya bisa dimanfaatkan ketika user telah melakukan pengisian form, maka diredirect ke satu ...
PHP to MySQL Database Connection Tutorial 22 Jul 2012 | 06:39 pm
You may want to add a database, let it be for any purpose, and let your users to search it in your Drupal site. You can do so in Drupal site without creating any block or anything else without affect...
Tutorial: How to Create a Zip File with PHP / MySQL 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Recently I added a function to a CMS that I have been evolving to meet the needs of I needed to allow users to select items (in this case ebooks) from the system and then export files that...
Tutorial: Implementing Google+ API using OAuth 2.0 in PHP 15 Nov 2011 | 02:30 pm
On September 15, 2011 Google released Google+ APIs to public. Google+ API is a programming interface to Google+. With the help of this API users can integrate apps or websites with Google+. Currently,...