Most phpbb forum related news are at:

Custom BBCode Development and Requests • Re: Hello, how to make the whole table center align? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:14 am
Oyabun1 wrote: Neither center not table are standard phpBB BBCodes so you mist be using custom BBCodes. A mention of the code for each would probably help. Oh yes, I use a lot of custom BBCodes, Tab...
[3.0.x] MOD Requests • Re: Looking for a Facebook-like Like button for my Forum... 27 Aug 2013 | 05:36 am
[RC2] phpBB Ajax Like Statistics: Posted by Jessica — Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:36 am
More phpbb forum related news:
Facebook’s Like Button and integration with phpBB 2 Sep 2010 | 07:24 pm
Just a few months earlier, Facebook released their new Like Button which is popping up on most popular websites and forums. Implementing this button with phpBB forums isn’t as simple as grabbing the c...
phpBB topics portal 1 Nov 2011 | 12:57 am
This is the plug in page for a wordpress plugin/widget which displays most recent topic links from the associated phpBB forum. The links are to the particular post within the topic which was recently ...
Butch Hamilton 24 May 2012 | 07:32 am
Butch Hamilton. I am in the process of bringing up another high traffic PHPBB forum. My intent and purpose for this forum is for direct communication with my other high traffic sites, where content w...
PhpBB Forum Sitesi Kurma 21 Jan 2011 | 03:23 am
Gebeliğimin 32. haftasındayım,geçenlerde şirketteki hamile arkadaşım ile bilgi paylaşımında bulunurken neden bir forum sitesi kurup tüm hamilelere faydalı bir paylaşım sitesi kurmayayaım ki dedim ve h...
The Town of Odyssey 8 May 2007 | 03:38 pm
Background The ToO has roots going back several years. Originally, the forum The TH (standing for the Town Hall) was created as a normal phpBB forum. It opened in late November 2003 with the intent o...
DreamHost Newsletter – May 2008 7 May 2008 | 12:58 am
New One-Click Install: phpBB Forum phpBB is now available as a One-Click Install. DreamHost offers phpBB both in an easy-mode and advanced-mode. In easy-mode DreamHost will handle all upgrades, but y...
Single Login for PhpBB3 & Coppermine 3 Apr 2010 | 07:34 am
PhpBB3 to Coppermine Bridge A great way to make the phpBB forum even better is to link it with Coppermine. Coppermine is an open-source photo gallery you can use on your website. It may not be the pr...
Typo3 in phpBB Forum intergrieren 20 Oct 2011 | 07:54 am
In meinem letzten Artikel “phpBB Forum in Typo3 integrieren” habe ich bereits erklärt, wie man das phpBB Forum in eine Typo3 Installation integriert, um so mit angepassten Stylesheets zwei Systeme wie...
phpBB Forum in Typo3 integrieren 2 Oct 2011 | 12:03 am
Ich gehe hier davon aus, dass euer phpBB-Forum in einem extra Ordner namens “forum” liegt. Soll heißen in eurem Root-Ordner von Typo3 liegt der Ordner “forum”. Dieser ist Root-Ordner des phpBB-Forums....
How to insert custom smilies or emoticons in phpBB 3.xx (version 3) 13 Oct 2011 | 05:34 pm
Adding custom smilies and emoticons to your phpBB forum is an easy way to insert personal style to your boards. It’s also rather easy to do once you know how. Unfortunately for me, when I searched for...