Most phpbb vs ipb related news are at:

Announcing Best Forum Software of 2012 7 Jan 2013 | 04:38 am
After an huge battle among all competitors all over the year 2012, we are proud to announce the final results of our yearly competition to promote the Best Forum Software, in the 3 following categorie...
ProBoards v5 on BetaZone and Support Forum 30 Nov 2012 | 04:10 am
The ProBoards so expected version 5 official release is getting closer and closer. A big step in the release plan has indeed been reached by migrating the Support forum officially to v5, and with the ...
More phpbb vs ipb related news:
Forum SEO: vBulletin/vbSEO vs IPB with SEO URL’S 9 Feb 2010 | 10:39 am
Brandon Sheley posted this on Twitter. I’m 95% certain I can get a vb+vbseo board to out rank an IPB forum with the same content & links. I was going to write an article about this very topic. I had...
how to integrate with forum phpbb vbulletin ipb smf 24 May 2011 | 03:23 pm
What if we integrate twitter with forum , with message board, ok how to integrate with forum phpbb vbulletin ipb smf . The open-source OpenID and OAuth authentication libraries ...
how to integrate jcow with forum vbulletin smf phpbb ipb 27 Oct 2011 | 03:15 pm
Off course you want to know how to integrate jcow with forum vbulletin smf phpbb ipb . I found a way to integrate Vanilla Forums into a Jcow site and would like to share the module. I made this modu...
WebAdvert - Szablon phpBB by przemo IPB 14 Oct 2012 | 02:56 am
Nazwa: WebAdvert Autor: Nashville Screen:
SMF vs. phpBB: The Real Deal 29 Apr 2013 | 08:43 pm
At first glance, there are so many similarities between SMF and phpBB that it would seem a challenge to find any real distinctions. However, after diving into a fresh install of each, the differences ...
What's the current forum software u are using. 21 Jul 2013 | 07:28 am
I like ipb but there are many small updates. I never liked vbulletin. Xenforo looks nice but never really tested. Phpbb yeah it's free but needs security and a lot of modding. Which is your favori...
Identyfikacja CMS-u - przy forach vbulletyn 15 Aug 2013 | 03:33 pm
Witam Rozważam zminę skryptu forum opartego na jednej z modyfikacji phpbb na vbulletin lub IPB. Głównie dlatego, że bardzo mi zależy na CMSie do portalu i jak najlepszej z nim integracji (jedna rejst...
Don't switch software for no reason! 17 Aug 2013 | 01:40 am
Something I see a lot of new forum owners do is second guess themselves on their forum platform decision. Should they go with vBulletin? XenForo? SMF? MyBB? phpBB? IPB? Ultimately they decide on one b...