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Protégé : Infos LK 7 Aug 2013 | 01:39 am
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Protégé : KOM : mes villes 6 Jul 2013 | 02:16 am
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More phpunit database assert related news:
Úvod do PHPUnit Db Extension 15 Dec 2008 | 06:20 am
V dalším článku o PHPUnit se podíváme na PHPUnit Database Extension, což je featura PHPUnit, která usnadňuje psaní testů pro třídy, které přímo pracují s databází, a speciálně na použití PHPUnit s Doc...
SAMLv2 mini-tutorial and some good resources 22 Jan 2012 | 01:07 pm
Why SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)? Single Sign-On: Many organizations have multiple intranet servers with web front end. Though all servers interact with common authentication database...
Easily remove unused MySQL databases 21 Sep 2011 | 05:23 am
I use PHPUnit and the DbUnit extension for my unit tests. Because I use InnoDB tables with foreign keys I cannot use an SQLite database or temporary tables to run my unittests on. So, I have set up a ...
Assertions and No-Test-Framework in PHP 6 Mar 2012 | 12:29 am
When I was writing the tests for Craur, I wanted to try a new way (no phpunit this time) to write tests in php.Since php already has a assert($assertion) method, I imagined that it might be a good sta...