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Skype eye contact finally possible (w/ Video) 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm
( —Those separated from family and friends by long distances often use video conferencing services such as Skype in order to see each other when talking. But who hasn't experienced the frustr...
Ethnic profiler for every part of England and Wales available online 27 Aug 2013 | 05:14 pm
A fascinating free interactive tool has been published online by University of Manchester researchers, which allows you to calculate the ethnic profile of where you live.
More physorg related news:
Scientists Give Flies False Memories 20 Oct 2009 | 03:34 am
From By directly manipulating the activity of individual neurons, scientists have given flies memories of a bad experience they never really had, according to a report in the October 16t...
Senjata Pelacak Cyber Attack Buatan Jepang 6 Feb 2012 | 01:57 pm
Internet mulai mengancam penggunanya. Berbagai cara mulai dikembangkan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Dilansir dari Physorg, Jepang sedang mengembangkan sejenis virus yang diklaim mampu mendeteksi sum...
Is your computer a zombie? 24 Apr 2012 | 03:21 am
Find out here. From the PhysOrg link: For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer. Unknown to most of them, t...
Too Cool Example of Biology Advancing Altenergy 23 Feb 2008 | 05:47 am
Moth eyes may hold key to more efficient solar cells from One of the difficulties with solar power is that solar cells are notoriously inefficient. Some of that inefficiency, says Peng Ji...
September launch for Intel Cedar Trail scrapped 20 Aug 2011 | 06:46 pm
( — Intel has changed the launch date of its Cedar Trail-M platform that is targeted for netbooks from September to November. The reason for the delay is a problem with graphics drivers an...
Neuroscientists discover brain area responsible for fear of losing money (Links) 12 Feb 2010 | 09:11 am
Science – Neuroscientists discover brain area responsible for fear of losing money (PhysOrg). Science – The Evolution Debate Is Over; It’s Time To Move Forward (NPR). Science – Being bored could be ...
Flynano:一人で乗れる、たった70kgの世界最小飛行機。 16 Apr 2011 | 11:24 pm によれば、この乗り物は、カーボンファイバーで出来ていて、総重量は70kgしかない。そのため、飛行ルートによっては、ライセンスも不要とのこと。(日本でもそうなのかぇ?) さらに時速70キロのスピードで離陸でき、最長70キロの飛行が可能とのこと。トップスピードは140キロまででるそうだ。 値段は、$39,000。今のレートなら、320万円くらい。 意外と安くないすか?!!...
Scientists Give Flies False Memories 20 Oct 2009 | 03:34 am
From By directly manipulating the activity of individual neurons, scientists have given flies memories of a bad experience they never really had, according to a report in the October 16t...
Meteorite Crater Found Through Google Earth 26 Jul 2010 | 07:58 pm
Image via Wikipedia( -- A pristine meteorite impact crater has been found in a remote area of the Sahara desert in southwest Egypt. The crater was originally noticed on Google Earth... [[...
Misteri Wanita Indonesia Temukan Madagaskar… 3 Dec 2012 | 09:29 am
Ini salah satu episode aneh dalam kisah pengembaraan manusia: faktor ketidaksengajaan menuntun orang menemukan Madagaskar. Seperti dimuat situs sains,, sejak lama Madagaskar menjadi daya t...