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Gyros, Giralgeld und Geldschöpfung 25 Aug 2013 | 10:14 pm
Was hat ein beliebter sich drehender Grillspieß mit Ihrem Bankkonto zu tun? Der griechische Begriff Gyros hat die Bedeutung Kreisel, Runde oder Umlauf. Die Bezeichnung des Standardgerichts griechische...
Neues von Roland Leuschel - 17.08.2013 - Crash-Gefahr 20 Aug 2013 | 12:29 am
Warner und Mahner wie Zulauf, Faber & Co begleiten permanent das Börsenleben. Sie mögen alle irgendwann recht haben. Für den renditehungrigen Anleger stellt sich jeweils nur die Frage: Wann? Denn in ...
More pi global value related news:
Decoupling Debunked? 10 Mar 2009 | 01:48 pm
I’m still struggling with this one but the global value chains that link country to country have changed (should change) the way we think about globalization. Last September, the failure of Lehman Br...
L’Italia delle scommesse e il boom Internet 21 Jun 2012 | 10:44 pm
La possibilità di fare parte di un mercato sempre più globale involve l’idea, in sé, di poter raggiungere ad ogni istante la meta dei propri desideri. Riassunta così, l’aspettattiva degli italiani di ...
Il ForexBall si rinnova totalmente: la competizione più formativa, più social e globale che ci sia! 20 Feb 2013 | 07:16 pm
Gentile Trader, Il ForexBall , il Campionato Internazionale di Trading promosso da Admiral Markets è stato completamente rinnovato, per offrirvi di più: E 'più redditizio, più globale, più sociale, p...
Greening global value chains : innovation and the international diffusion of technologies and knowledge 30 May 2013 | 09:00 am
Using novel data on patents, trade of equipment goods, and foreign direct investments and insights from the economic literature, the paper seeks to lay out the state of knowledge on the role of innova...
Greening global value chains : innovation and the international diffusion of technologies and knowledge 30 May 2013 | 09:00 am
Using novel data on patents, trade of equipment goods, and foreign direct investments and insights from the economic literature, the paper seeks to lay out the state of knowledge on the role of innova...
IAOP Europe Week, а great initiative for the outsourcing industry worldwide 1 Jul 2013 | 08:18 pm
“Outsourcings Global Value and an Overview of the Industry in Eastern Europe” became the topic of the IAOP Europe Week, which took part in Kiev this June. The representatives of the International Ass...
Global value chain suppliers are our connection to SMEs 8 Aug 2013 | 03:48 am
SME connectors can boost the supply chains of apparel, and other industries (Credit: India Kangaroo, Flickr Creative Commons) This is the second post in the “Supply Chain Junkie" series, which give.....
Vision & Value 9 May 2010 | 03:55 am
To earn global admiration as an IT Outsourcer, by building and maintaining long lasting relationship with people and technology and deliver functional software and excellent services. Customer First ...
Happy Pi Day and Monte Carlo Method 15 Mar 2010 | 09:11 am
Pi Calculation Today is the day, 03/14 2010. Happy day to all! The Monte Carlo method generates multiple trials to determine the expected value of a random variable. Calculating Pi is generally the...
Aprire una LTD 1 Jan 2011 | 01:00 pm
Il mercato e l'economia globale richiedono maggiori competenze, garanzie e sicurezze. Oggigiorno lavorare in ambito locale, per un Imprenditore moderno, è decisamente riduttivo e non più in linea con ...