Most pidgin unicode symbol related news are at:

More pidgin unicode symbol related news:
Introducing Unicons 18 Feb 2010 | 05:40 pm
Unicons is a little project I put together today, making it easier to insert some of those little Unicode symbols... (This is a summarized feed.)
Web Fonts, Dingbats, Icons, and Unicode 19 Aug 2010 | 02:33 am
Yesterday, Cameron Koczon shared a link to the dingbat font, Pictos, by the talented, Drew Wilson. Cameron predicted that dingbats will soon be everywhere. Symbol fonts, yes, I thought. Dingbats? No, ...
Cathode 1.8.0 is available 2 Aug 2012 | 10:53 pm
Here are the release notes: Unicode Thousands of new characters: Punctuation, Symbols, Greek, Hebrew, Math, more Latin and Cyrillic, etc. Supported ranges are U+0000..U+0600, U+2000..U+2200, and U+25x...
Edicode - Panel zum Edieren von Unicode 29 Apr 2004 | 06:17 am
Mit Edicode können Sie durch Anklicken von Schaltflächen unterschiedliche Sonderzeichen in Unicode eingeben (Sonderzeichen verschiedener Alphabete, Symbole, phonetisches Alphabet etc.). Die Zeichen we...
Combining unicode-math fonts: Problems with \underbrace 27 Aug 2013 | 04:35 pm
I switched to XeLaTeX and unicode-math a while ago. I really like the possibility to combine different fonts for mathematical symbols. But now I run into trouble by combining the \underbrace command w...