Most pieter hugo related news are at:

‘The Void: positive and negative spaces’ 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Commune.1 presents Christopher Swift’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. “If you think it’ll be a success…or not, you’re right” Swift has chosen the above statement as the golden thread to we...
'Out of Site' 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
As the pun in the title implies, the show takes both sight- as in vision- and site- as in place- as starting points to generate a dialogue between new and older works from the artist’s extensive oeuvr...
More pieter hugo related news:
Spoek Mathambo and Pieter Hugo Collaborate on New Video 7 Mar 2011 | 03:18 pm
Pieter Hugo: Spoek Mathambo – Control 30 Jan 2013 | 10:57 pm
Renowned photographer Pieter Hugo shot this surreal video of a “darkwave township house” cover of the Joy Division classic She’s Lost Control for DJ Spoek Mathambo. The video was shot in Langa, Cape T...
瑙莱坞神话 11 Jul 2013 | 09:01 pm
撰文/陈小堂 圖片/Pieter Hugo 「非洲不是一個地方,而是一百萬個地方,是一百萬種聲音。沒有任何一張照片能抓住非洲的神秘﹑多樣性和它帶給人們的驚奇。」—— 美國《國家地理》雜誌主編克裡斯・約翰(Chris Johns) 非洲一向以其令人歎為觀止的自然景觀為豪,像是位於北部的撒哈拉沙漠,廣闊荒涼、氣候卻極盡惡劣;西非幾內亞灣的熱帶雨林,藏有各種罕見生物;而處在非洲東部的東非大...
Fotografiska presenterar: Pieter Hugo 15 Aug 2013 | 01:34 pm
Pieter Hugo växte upp i ett land präglat av rasmotsättningar. Under apartheid i Sydafrika ansågs bara vita vara fullvärdiga medborgare medan de svarta blev segregerade, marginaliserade och illa behand...
Fotografiska presenterar: Pieter Hugo 15 Aug 2013 | 01:34 pm
Pieter Hugo växte upp i ett land präglat av rasmotsättningar. Under apartheid i Sydafrika ansågs bara vita vara fullvärdiga medborgare medan de svarta blev segregerade, marginaliserade och illa behand...
Fotografiska presenterar: Pieter Hugo 15 Aug 2013 | 01:34 pm
Pieter Hugo växte upp i ett land präglat av rasmotsättningar. Under apartheid i Sydafrika ansågs bara vita vara fullvärdiga medborgare medan de svarta blev segregerade, marginaliserade och illa behand...
La pesanteur et la grâce 12 Jul 2013 | 01:20 am
Françoise Huguier, Natacha, appartement communautaire, Saint-Pétersbourg, 2002-2007 Pieter Hugo, Obechukwu Nwoye, Enugu, Nigeria, 2008. From the series Nollywood Claudia Guimarães, São Paulo, brasil...
IU Alumni Association to host family movie night Dec. 2 17 Nov 2011 | 06:34 am
Share/Bookmark Choose between ‘Hugo’ and ‘Happy Feet 2’ in 3-D at Portage IMAX Theater Gary, IN 11-16 -2011 – The Indiana University Alumni Association (IUAA), Northwest Campus Board, invites alumni...
Download Hugo Cabret Movie with super speed and quality 2 Feb 2011 | 03:14 am
Hey fans of Hugo Cabret movie…. Now it’s in your reach to Download Hugo Cabret Movie with super speed and quality. Movie buffs can also watch Hugo Cabret movie online.Not only can you download Hugo Ca...
Big Brand Search Engine Spam – Hugo Boss 9 Mar 2011 | 04:48 am
I have already written about the apparent inability of fashion brands to build websites which don’t suck. The German fashion brand Hugo Boss is no exception to this. Instead of ditching their Flash we...