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Google sitemaps 17 Aug 2007 | 02:24 pm
Google sitemap - це мапа вашого сайту спеціально для пошуковика Google, що допомагає йому краще і швидше індексувати ваш блоґ. Цей плагін тепер можна знати в “Plugins” під назвою “Google Sitemaps“. А...
How to Add a Google Sitemap to your WordPress Site 23 Mar 2011 | 12:10 pm
What is an XML site map? A site map is a listing of all the posts and pages on your website. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language that is easily read by search engines. ...
GSiteCrawler -Google Sitemap Generator – Site Haritası Oluşturma Programı 18 Jul 2009 | 04:44 am
Bugünde sizlerle SOFTplus firmasının sitemap oluşturmak için hazırladığı GsiteCrawler programı hakkında bildiklerimi paylaşacağım… Sitenizde binlerce sayfa var ve bunları Google indexlemiyorsa , site...
پلاگ این ثبت گوگل google sitemap 25 Nov 2010 | 07:44 am
با کمک این پلاگ شما می توانید کُد وریفای گوگل را بدون این که به کُدهای قالب دست بزنید، ثبت کنید.
博客圈最流行的30个 wordpress 插件 12 Dec 2011 | 06:35 am
原文 翻译:sein 似乎每个写博的人都列举过自己喜欢的插件,这篇关于 wordpress 插件的文章,是在总结了 48个列表280个插件的基础上写出来的。 Akismet :规则严厉的反 spam 插件。 Google Sitemap Generator :SEO 利器,生成规范的站点地图以便 Google 收录。 Related posts :自动搜索并列举...
Creating Google sitemap.xml , is it okay for the images to be wrapped in url tags? 30 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
I’m using a tool to generate the sitemap.xml file for me, it started to crawl my website, got the pages and all images, but when exporting it, I review the xml(to make sure nothing is wrong) and I not...
Creating Google sitemap.xml , is it okay for the images to be wrapped in url tags? 30 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
I’m using a tool to generate the sitemap.xml file for me, it started to crawl my website, got the pages and all images, but when exporting it, I review the xml(to make sure nothing is wrong) and I not...
Bullet Energy Forum Google Sitemap 25 Apr 2012 | 10:39 pm
Top 12 Essential WordPress Plugins 3 May 2012 | 03:00 pm
Plugins are the backbone to a self-hosted WordPress blog. They help with SEO, sharing buttons, widgets, video embedding, audio embedding, Google Sitemaps and so much more. WordPress is amazing in itse...
Why you should Ping your Sitemap 2 Jul 2011 | 07:20 am
Converg Media is a Digital PR firm and originated these posts. A sitemap is more than just a list of links on your website that makeup the “site” , it’s an easy way for the search engines to get a ta...