Most planet of zombie related news are at:

Bigger games added 16 Jan 2010 | 02:41 pm
There had been a problem with getting larger games to install, but that has now been fixed, so a lot of bigger filesize games have now been added.
Welcome to Planet of Zombies 13 Sep 2009 | 01:20 am
Welcome to the Planet of Zombies Flash games site. The site is currently very much under development. The existing template is definitely not the final one. I haven't as yet found one that displ...
More planet of zombie related news:
Welcome to Planet of Zombies 13 Sep 2009 | 01:20 am
Welcome to the Planet of Zombies Flash games site. The site is currently very much under development. The existing template is definitely not the final one. I haven't as yet found one that displ...
The World's 10 Richest Tennis Player 7 Aug 2010 | 02:18 am
Welcome to the rating of the richest tennis player of the planet. Revenues consist of athletes of different sources. For example, Maria Sharapova, mainly the "rich" by advertising products known corpo...
Little Big Planet PSP – The Adventurous Wonderland 3 Nov 2011 | 06:27 am
Summary: A portable version of PlayStation 3, Little Big Planet PSP, with improved features and themes based on real locations and having the same name, makes video games come alive. This 2009 puzzle ...
AVATAR on Earth: Inspirations for Pandora 20 Dec 2010 | 07:20 am
You may have noticed that Pandora is a bit like Earth but with lots more neon blue, as the New York Times did. But this alien planet didn't just spring full-formed from James Cameron's imagination; it...
Zombie Lane Auto Combo Coin Hack by Patiniox 12 Sep 2011 | 04:41 am
Zombies, disparos, y mucha paciencia mezclado con una extensa historia basada en misiones que en un principio parecen entretenidas pero que después de un tiempo se vuelven monótonas y repetitivas aunq...
Last Line of Defense 23 May 2011 | 11:59 pm
Tu es la dernière ligne de défense contre l'invasion des zombies. Protège ton bunker et résiste aux assauts des zombies. Avec l'argent gagné, tu peux acheter de nouvelles armes, des munitions plus eff...
New Nexus2 Expansion: Dark Planet 13 Oct 2011 | 08:10 am
The new expansion from "Rauschwerk" leads you to the dark side... This includes the finest electro-sounds, sometimes dirty and industrial, but also beautiful and atmospheric. Looking for interesting s...
Marketers Cruise – Don’t Miss The Boat (literally!) 28 Sep 2009 | 04:08 am
Hey there, This coming January 2010, I will have the utmost pleasure of spending a week away from it all, with some of the brightest marketing minds on the planet. It all takes place on a luxury crui...
Mars Colonizer 26 Apr 2011 | 06:24 pm
Mars Colonizer is a small strategy game in space. The objective of the game is to capture the entire planet Mars by defeating your alien neighbours. Upgrade and use your spaceships to break down their...
Environment Friendly & Natural Latex Mattresses 17 Jul 2010 | 01:04 am
Anything that will not add to the poverty of the planet is a good purchase and comfort would never be let go. This problem is resolved with latex mattress. One has the comfort of technology without ac...