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Ministers need to go further to protect the green belt, countryside campaigners urge 27 Aug 2013 | 05:29 pm
Planning policy on the green belt needs clarifying to protect it from over-development, according to lobby group the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
Go-ahead for 1,500-home Cairngorms development 27 Aug 2013 | 04:56 pm
The Cairngorms National Park Authority has resolved to grant planning permission for a 1,500-home development near Aviemore, despite ongoing legal action which could potentially derail the proposals.
More planning magazine related news:
Do You Have a Will? 23 Sep 2010 | 07:28 am
According to Financial Planning Magazine, March 2010, nearly two-thirds of Americans don’t have a will. When that occurs, the person dies in a condition that’s called intestate — dying without a valid...
Woodworking Plans Magazine Table 4 Aug 2012 | 04:28 am
woodworking plans magazine table Get the best rated woodworking guide with over 16 000 woodworking plans included. Easy to follow instructions and great designs and tutorials. Great for Starters and m...
Примерен бизнес план за Магазин за дрехи „За детето” (Biznes plan - magazin za drehi) 3 Nov 2012 | 08:50 pm
Резюме Този примерен бизнес план е съставен за създаване на магазин за дрехи "За детето" в центъра на град Пловдив. Фирма „Търговийка” ООД ще наеме магазин в центъра. Изборът на мястото не е продикту...
Competition / Post-Quake Visions / CNA Bologna; University of Bologna, Weinenberger, The Plan Magazine 10 Aug 2013 | 10:45 pm
YAC’s second competition aims to offer participants a chance of practicing solid, refined research in of post-seismic design. Italy has been experiencing a delicate situation regarding historical memo...
Young Architects Competitions - Post-Quake Visions | Soutěž 4 Jul 2013 | 06:22 pm
Young Architects Competitions, in partnership with Shigeru Ban Architects, 5+1AA Studio, The Plan magazine and Public Institutions, has just opened an interesting call for ideas for under 35 designers...
Kadehin İçine Kadın Yerleştirme 29 Apr 2012 | 07:52 am
Bu dersimizde kadehin içine bir kadın yerleştireceğiz… Çalışmamızın Son Hali ; Öncelikle çalışma yapmaya uygun iki resim seçilir. Bunun için arka planı temizlenmiş bir kadın resmi ve bir kadeh resmi...
Great Bolsover Cruise Club 21 Sep 2011 | 09:22 pm
Planning on-shore excursions can be a scary experience for somebody who has by no means been on a cruise before. There are so many options to choose from, so first time cruisers may get overwhelmed by...
Heeft u onze klant gezien bij Apotheek en Gezondheid TV Magazine op RTL4? 17 Mar 2012 | 01:37 am
Heeft u onze klant gezien bij Apotheek en Gezondheid TV Magazine op RTL4? Bestel een product uit onze webshop en schrijf over dat product een review, zo kunnen bestaande klanten, toekomstige klante....
Das NLP Magazin 18 Jan 2010 | 12:00 pm
Aktuelle Informationen rund um das Thema NLP Gerade ist die zweite Ausgabe des kostenlosen NLP-Magazin erschienen. Hier findest du umfangreiche Informationen über NLP, Coaching, Hypnose, Persönlichk...
Let’s Plan to Meet at MIPCOM 2011! 4 Aug 2011 | 07:28 am
MIPCOM 2011 is right around the corner — October 3rd – 6th, in Cannes. Our Stand is #R34.03 in the Riviera Hall of the Palais des Festivals. Our appointment book is open. Here is an excellent short ...