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アールディーズ / ALDIES Animal Cap 27 Aug 2013 | 03:31 pm
デッドストックのアニマルファブリックを使用したキャップです。デッドストックならではのレトロな雰囲気が最大の特徴で、短めのツバや通常のキャップよりも丸みを帯びたシルエットもポイントとなっています。 価格:5,880円(税込) 【 ALDIES / アールディーズ 】 2004年に小物をコンセプトにメッセンジャーバッグやリュックを中心とした構成でブランドを開始。 80年代のポップアートのような...
アールディーズ / ALDIES Sound Beret 27 Aug 2013 | 03:31 pm
起毛素材を使用したボリューム感のあるベレー帽です。従来のベレー帽よりも深めに作られているのでふっくらとした仕上がりとなっており、ライニングにはデッドストックの総柄ファブリックを使用しています。後ろに流したり横に倒したりとシルエットにアレンジを付けてお楽しみください。 価格:6,300円(税込) 【 ALDIES / アールディーズ 】 2004年に小物をコンセプトにメッセンジャーバッグやリュ...
More plant maker vest related news:
North Face Mens Vest grownup men and girls ordinarily should show 23 Apr 2012 | 03:53 pm
opposite, makers can construct their particular inventiveness inside the jacket on its own, which appears extremely very much extra trendy and vibrant inside the street.the north cope with ladies by m...
So Long, Dodge Nitro 30 Dec 2011 | 05:50 am
2011 was a solemn year for Dodge Nitro, as the SUV (CUV? Wagon?) was cut from the auto maker’s line-up. Built in America (at the Toledo, OH plant), Nitro came onto dealership lots in late 2006 (as an ...
ArcelorMittal pays Rs 600 crore to Karnatka Govt 25 Jul 2010 | 03:54 pm
Bellary is on fast track, coming up one of the largest steel plant in Karnatka by the world’s largest steel maker ArcelorMittal. NRI billionaire L N Mittal-led ArcelorMittal has paid Rs 600 crore to t...
MARUL LUPULUI 25 Jan 2011 | 07:59 pm
Denumirea stiintifica a acestei plante este Aristolochia clematitis. In zona de vest a tarii i se spune marul-lupului, in sudul Moldovei, curcubetica, iar pe malul Dunarii, buruiana de remf. Creste pr...
Suzuki to build new auto plant in India 6 Sep 2010 | 03:59 am
TOKYO: Japan’s top minicar maker Suzuki Motor Corp. is to build a new auto assembly plant near the Indian capital New Delhi in a bid to meet growing demand in the country, a newspaper reported on Sund...
Green Works by Clorox Review 22 Apr 2010 | 06:55 am
The makers of Clorox have now come out with a natural cleaning products line called “Green Works”. This line of natural cleaning products are made from plant based ingredients and are a 100% bio-degra...
SC Johnson to install wind turbines at largest plant 16 Jul 2012 | 08:41 am
The makers of Windex will soon be producing its products in part with wind power. SC Johnson—makers of such products as Windex, Glade, Pledge, and Raid—plans to build two wind turbines at its Waxdale...
Nokia Plans to Cut 4000 More Jobs 7 Aug 2012 | 06:28 am
Struggling Finnish phone maker Nokia plans to cut 4000 more jobs at its plants in Finland, Hungary and Mexico as it seeks to cut costs by moving smartphone assembly work to Asia. Nokia said in a state...
Mold makers: German mould maker Zahoransky to expand domestic site, build new plant in India 14 Aug 2012 | 06:00 am
The company said its local factory will be producing moulds by the end of the year.
Maple Leaf Indica 23 Feb 2013 | 01:02 pm
A relatively new release as a seed, this fat, sticky hash-makers’ plant has long been prized for its sparkling coating of resin glands and syrupy sweet citrus bouquet. Maple Leaf Indica is bred from p...