Most playing my food blog merlot related news are at:

Asia 2011 - Việt Nam 11 Apr 2012 | 07:27 pm
Is it possible to travel to Asia without stopping by Vietnam? For many people, yes it is possible. For me however, the answer would be no. It just won't be right to pass by the land where my parents ...
Asia 2011 - Macau 澳門 2 Jan 2012 | 10:34 pm
Next up is Macau.... the funny thing is, a visit to Macau was not in my original plans. My Hong Kong tour was consolidated so I had a few extra days. It was either spend it in Hong Kong or...find s...
More playing my food blog merlot related news:
Challenge Time Ahoy! 23 Aug 2007 | 06:01 am
I'm in the (very enviable!) position of playing host to both a Finnish and a Swedish food blog challenge this month. Which is kind of lucky, because I'm having serious issues with getting food from th...
Zzzzz… Sleep Issues. 19 Jun 2011 | 11:44 pm
Ok, so havn’t been blogging so much again, been busy and uninspired as I struggle with my sleep/stress and food issues. I’m realizing more and more how big a role sleep plays in all of this for me. I...
Colorful fun felt food for pretend play 2 Apr 2012 | 01:20 am
Copyright © You should have noticed that this blog loves to feature food items. And you should have also noticed that all these food items are non-edible but very cute looking. Lik...
Food Consumed During the Summer (Goodbye Summer!) 7 Sep 2008 | 07:05 pm
Helloooooo everybody! No, this isn't your eyes playing a sick joke on you, it really is Gdog coming at you with a blog update! How lucky (or unlucky) for you! Well, the summer has come and gone and it...
New York City Eats 17 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm
I really enjoyed my week's holiday in New York, and as one might expect the food played a large part in that. Rather than do loads of blog posts (I really can't be arsed nowadays) here's a round-up of...
Playing With Your Kids is Good for the Soul 21 Aug 2013 | 05:04 am
Why You Should Play with Your Kids For the McCain It’s All Good Blog Over the last couple of weeks I’ve shared what happened when I was part of a roundtable on play for the McCain Foods The All Go...