Most pledge to related news are at:

Dallas Welcomes Delivery of Much Needed Food with Telligent’s Help 22 May 2009 | 11:41 am
Because of the support of 448 Texans, Tyson Foods delivered 15 tons of food to the North Texas Food Bank on May 12 as part of their commitment in the Pledge to End Hunger. Serving the food pantries, s...
Hoosiers Celebrate Arrival of Indianapolis Truck 14 May 2009 | 08:59 am
Because of the support of 1,159 Hoosiers, Tyson Foods delivered 15 tons of food to the Gleaners Food Bank on Wednesday, April 29, as part of their commitment in the Pledge to End Hunger. Serving over ...
More pledge to related news:
Under God Under Attack Again in Pledge of Allegiance 17 Feb 2012 | 06:19 pm
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America “Under God” is under attack once more and again, it is happening in ultra liberal Massachusettes. This time it is a couple in Acton, M...
A Pledge for Peace 17 Mar 2012 | 09:23 am
Taming the Wolf Institute commissioned me to design a poster for their peace pledge.
Crowdfunding Drupal: If you won't put a dollar in the pot, say why not! 16 Mar 2012 | 04:02 am
Would you give $20 for that feature/fix/documentation you've always wanted in a module/theme/distribution? Yes? Great! Would you pledge $20 for the chance to give that $20? Wonderful! Please make you...
Hotel Incosol in Marbella Closes After 39 Years 2 Apr 2012 | 06:55 pm
After 39 years, the hotel Incosol closed down on Sunday due to a lack of economic resources. The 130 workers have pledged to stay on and wait for an investor to buy the hotel. They will carry out main...
4 Main Dangers At Pledge Sale Part 2 15 Apr 2011 | 05:00 pm
Problem 2: pledge isn’t on sale In September, 2009 Volkswagen Golf 2006 of the release, belonging to borrower Tara, has been driven away on penal parking of bank. As she already for about half a year ...
Goodbye, farewell and amen 18 Apr 2011 | 10:34 am
Andrew Hicks Let’s recap: I start this blog in September. In January, I pledge to post 365 entries in 2011. In February, I realize that goal is unsustainable. In April, I decide to discontinue this b...
Florida Appeals Court on the Pledge of Allegiance 25 Jul 2008 | 02:49 am
A Florida appeals court declared today that a state law requiring parental permission to refuse to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance at school was constitutional, but the part of the law that re...
Pledge as a Sign of Patriotism 3 Jul 2008 | 03:16 pm
Another set of data showing how the Pledge of Allegiance is used to denigrate atheists and to provide a barrier between atheists and public office. USA Today had a poll in which they asked people wha...
School Official Seeks to Punish "Lack of Respect" During Pledge 27 Jun 2008 | 11:33 pm
Another school official, this one in Norwich, Connecticut, wants to discipline children who do not show respect while the Pledge is being said. (See School official: Disrupt pledge, face discipline) ...
Countrywide Home Loans Information 28 Mar 2012 | 09:57 pm
Countrywide Home Loans, often referred to аѕ mortgage loans, аre the ones whеrе а property iѕ pledged to get а loan. Countrywide home loans may either bе of fixed rate or аn adjustable rate. They аre ...