Most plesk log rotation related news are at:

Hosted Business Email 10 Jun 2013 | 02:40 am
Sync, Collaborate, Work! Microsoft ActiveSync, Advanced Webmail, 25GB storage and more!
Happy New Year 21 Jan 2013 | 01:50 am
Happy New Year from Everyone at FidoNet 2013 is already under way and we are starting to see customers playing catchup on those projects they delayed from last year for all sorts of reasons, from the ...
More plesk log rotation related news:
Unix: Delete all but N most recent files in a directory 27 Jun 2011 | 06:21 pm
Here's a handy little command to delete every file in a directory except for the N most recent files. It is helpful for including in a log rotation or db backup script. find /path/to/files/ -maxdepth...
cPanel log file woes 16 Dec 2011 | 07:30 am
cPanel log rotator fills up the server HDD with useless junk files One of cPanel-based servers (cPanel/WHM I administer has thrown a tantrum tonight. A cPanel log rotator has stuck (in fac...
Nginx log rotation 2 Feb 2013 | 11:57 am
I wanted to start cycling my previous nginx log files, as logs were getting a little large. NGINX doesn’t have built in support for log rotation, there is a system level linux command called logrotate...
Abyss Web Server version 2.9 introduces log rotation and IDN support 19 Jun 2013 | 04:00 pm
A new version of Abyss Web Server has just been released. It introduces log rotation, IDN (International Domain Names) support, restricted/token-based downloads, support for the special X-Sendfile hea...
Wo kann ich meine Plesk Log-Dateien finden? 23 Aug 2013 | 12:46 pm
Die Logfiles für jede Domain sind im Verzeichnis logs gespeichert. Die Logfiles sind seit Plesk Version 8 und 9 ...
Wo kann ich meine Plesk Log-Dateien finden? 23 Aug 2013 | 12:46 pm
Die Logfiles für jede Domain sind im Verzeichnis logs gespeichert. Die Logfiles sind seit Plesk Version 8 und 9 ...
530 User xxx cannot log in, home directory inaccessible 26 May 2011 | 11:34 pm
Tras actualizar Plesk 9 a Plesk 10, los usuarios de ftp se quedan sin acceso a su home. Si se crean nuevos estos pueden acceder sin problemas. El error es: 530 User xxx cannot log in, home directory...
mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request function 17 Mar 2012 | 08:13 am
UK-Fully Managed Web Hosting A site running drupal application was throwing Internal Server Error on linux plesk server. When I checked apache error logs I noticed following logs [Fri Mar 16 18:13:...
Subtlety Rogue PvE Guide 22 Mar 2012 | 03:42 pm
Contents 1 2 Changelog/Version Log 3 Introduction 4 Rotation & Combat 4.1 Single-Target Priority Rotation 4.2 Multi-Target Priority Rotation 5 Rogue Mechanics 6 Gear, Stats, and Reforging 6.1...
Improved flexibility for log file rotation 14 Dec 2011 | 12:27 am
The RotatingFileHandler and TimedRotatingFileHandler classes provide basic log file rotation functionality, but there are times when more functionality is required than is provided in these classes. O...