Most plesk shoutcast module related news are at:

Cloud Speicher kostenlos 10 GB inkl. Traffic 10 Feb 2013 | 08:19 pm
Wir möchten unseren Kunden etwas besonderes geben und bieten bei den meisten Produkten einen kostenlosen Cloud Speicher an. Unsere Server bilden die Private Cloud einheit, die Cloud Software ist die B...
Statistik Munin 31 Jan 2013 | 10:03 pm
Sie haben die Möglichkeit Munin Statistiken im Webinterface anzeigen zu lassen. Dazu ist es nur notwendig das Munin-Node auf Ihren vServer installiert wird.
More plesk shoutcast module related news:
NGS Shoutcast Module Version 1.10 Released for BETA 7 Jan 2009 | 07:37 am
Joomla! 1.5 Native A new version of the NGS Shoutcast Module has been released. While I believe it to be stable (it's the one I am using on this site), I am classifying it as beta until a few more ...
NGS Shoutcast Module Released 28 Dec 2008 | 07:04 am
Joomla! 1.5 Native With the end of life for Joomla! 1.0.x quickly approaching, I was recently faced with the task of planning to migrate a number of sites I maintain. Among them are two different si...
Your Plesk Watchdog in 2011 14 Jan 2011 | 08:55 pm
Plesk users (version 8.x up to 10.x as far as I've heared) are getting errors from the Watchdog module. Parallels is coming out with an update for this error in the future, but they can't tell when (y...
Radio module 16 Oct 2012 | 03:08 pm
This is my own Radio module. This is not Integration of Shoutcast anymore as I did before.This is new attractive and very user friendly module to your website.It allows your members to listen over 220...
ImageMagick With PHP-imagick Installation On Plesk Server 30 Mar 2013 | 06:40 pm
If you want to install ImageMagick with PHP-imagick module then follow the below simple steps :: ImageMagick Installation [root@server ~]# yum install ImageMagick [root@server ~]# yum install ImageMag...