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Obsoleszenz-Management, Produkt-Service-Systeme und der Nutzen für den Kunden 25 Jul 2013 | 04:30 pm
„Kundennutzen durch aktives Obsoleszenz-Management“ statt „Obsoleszenz-Management – Der kontrollierte Produkttod“? Vor einiger Zeit habe in dem genannten Blog-Artikel relativ kritisch das Thema Obsole...
Zwei Schritte vor, einer zurück: Agiles Vorgehen in PLM-Projekten 18 Jun 2013 | 05:22 pm
Im Bereich der Softwaretechnik hat sich schon lange ein agiles Vorgehen etabliert. Funktioniert dieser Ansatz auch bei der Durchführung von PLM-Projekten? Wo liegen die Unterschiede? Es gibt PLM-Proje...
More plm software related news:
Machine Tool Design 28 Jan 2012 | 03:27 am We currently operate Siemens PLM software to design all the assemblies, parts and machines. These high-end, complete 3D CAD solutions are the best ones on the market.
Siemens Femap 10.3.1 (32bit/64bit) with NX Nastran v8p1 | 2,04 Gb 25 May 2012 | 01:04 am
Siemens Femap 10.3.1 (32bit/64bit) with NX Nastran v8p1 | 2,04 Gb Femap - independent of CAD pre-and post-processor from Siemens PLM Software for Engineering Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (Finite Ele...
NX7 yayınlandı 1 Oct 2009 | 10:00 am
Siemens PLM Software NX7 sürümünü yayınlandı. Kayıtlı kullanıcılar eğer statik IP adreslerini Siemens'e kayıt ettirdilerse sitesinden tam sürüm NX 7.0.0 indirebilirler....
Siemens PLM'den Yeni NX6 22 May 2008 | 06:20 pm
Global PLM (ürün ömür çevrim yönetimi) sağlayıcısı olan Siemens PLM Software dijital ürün geliştirme yazılımı NX'in yeni sürümü NX 6' yı piyasaya duyurdu. Yeni sürüm geçen ay tanımı yapılan Synchronou...
Siemens PLM Software'den yeni devrim : Synchronous Technology 23 Apr 2008 | 03:31 am
Global PLM (ürün ömür çevrim yönetimi) sağlayıcısı olan Siemens PLM Software, dijital ürün geliştirmede Synchronous Technology (senkronize teknoloji) ile yeni bir devrin başladığını bugün Hannover Fua...
Majenta PLM is named top UK Siemens PLM Software Solution Provider and retains its status as the UK’s only platinum partner 25 Jan 2012 | 09:35 pm
Majenta PLM, the leading UK Siemens PLM Software Solution Provider, has won two major awards in the annual Siemens Industry Software European Partner Leadership Summit, Istanbul. As well as retaining ...
Majenta PLM in conjunction with Siemens PLM Software to host the first view of NX software in the UK, following the launch, at the world-famous Silver... 17 Oct 2011 | 10:11 pm
Free event on 20 October, 2011 will enable current and potential users of Siemens’ industry-leading product development and manufacturing software solution to hear from their peers and see the latest ...
The Daily Telegraph – Product Life-Cycle Management Report (PLM) 20 Jun 2011 | 09:58 pm
Majenta PLM, the product lifecycle management (PLM) software solutions provider and Europe’s leading Siemens Industry Software platinum business partner, is pleased to announce their contribution in t...
Leading Yacht Design company John Shuttleworth Yacht Designs Ltd choose Siemens NX 7.5 CAD/CAM solution from Majenta PLM 5 Apr 2011 | 07:57 pm
Majenta PLM, the product lifecycle management (PLM) software solutions provider and Europe’s leading Siemens Industry Software platinum business partner, has announced that John Shuttleworth Yacht Des...
CrossControl AB Selects Aras Solution Suite Combined with Minerva EHT for Enterprise Product Lifecycle Management 26 May 2012 | 08:56 am Aras®, the leading enterprise open source Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software solution provider, today announced that CrossControl AB, a leading manufacturer of industrial vehicle so...