Most pocket wizard on panasonic gf-1 related news are at:
– Tyson Robichaud Photo-blography | Tips, tricks, reviews and general rambling.
*The Mirrorless Diet, how to lose weight instantly! Part 3 26 Aug 2013 | 10:46 pm
PART 3: Processing your shots After applauding your choice to invest in featherweight cameras and optics that have the image quality to rival top end digital SLR’s (well, in many scenarios anyway), i...
*The Mirrorless Diet, how to lose weight instantly! Part 2 20 Aug 2013 | 01:55 am
PART 2: Shooting your trip You’ve already suffered through my long winded gear explanation in the previous post about gear weight in part 1. Here are some of the images and techniques I use with the ...