Most point of sale iphone app related news are at:

LightSpeed Announces the Launch of LightSpeed Cloud 24 Jul 2013 | 09:00 am
Company Releases Web-Based POS and iPad App for Inventory-Centric Retailers, Accelerates Growth with the Acquisition of MerchantOS MONTREAL, Canada, July 23, 2013 – LightSpeed, a leading software com...
LightSpeed Announces New Web Store Platform with Customizable Template Engine 11 Jul 2013 | 05:00 pm
Web Store 3.0 Gives Retailers The Technology and Tools To Create A Customized Brand Experience Online MONTREAL, Canada, July 11, 2013 – LightSpeed, a leading software company using Macs, iPhones and ...
More point of sale iphone app related news:
web app point of sale 26 Apr 2013 | 12:30 pm
Web app point of sale (POS) system for restaurant, café and bar The iPos web app is intuitive and user friendly Your employees will recognise the interface immediately and the learning curve is realy...
iHost VIP Type iPhone Apps for Sale: Customize it to your needs 14 Jul 2010 | 06:25 am
iHost can be purchased and redesigned to meet your Venue or Business needs. We can customize the Application for your city. For instance: iHost Vegas will focus on Las Vegas so it will be no problem ...
Apple, Please be serious about ITC 1 Oct 2011 | 11:47 am
Every morning, the first thing I do is grabbing my iphone, and checking my iphone apps’ sale status of the previous day (I use AppSales, which can found at: To...
Most useful apple iphone applications 17 Jan 2012 | 11:35 pm
To become a beginner week can start, we have additional received Few new apps this worth one cite in our good Gevey Turbo Sim iPhone apps register as per the beginner sale listings with Software packa...
Free Iphone Apps That Earn Gift Cards and Prizes 23 Oct 2011 | 07:37 pm
There are tons of free useful apps in the Itunes store. Why not take a few minutes out of your day with the following apps to collect points for prizes such as gift cards from Amazon, Macy's, Target, ...
With Help From Facebook Timeline, Viddy Becomes Top Free iPhone App 19 Apr 2012 | 04:06 pm
With the skyrocketing popularity and billion-dollar sale of Instagram, there’s an ongoing race to apply Instagram’s wildly successful photo sharing model to mobile video. There are a number of startup...
iPhone App Review: Anesthesia Drugs Fast 13 Feb 2012 | 02:42 pm
Review by contributing author Tech Nick Lee: Anesthesia Drugs Fast is an app for the iPhone, iTouch and iPad. It is designed as a point-of-care utility for calculating dosages for the most common ane...
Hitler’s app is rejected by Apple 1 May 2010 | 07:58 am
PayDay loans Payday loans The best of all the Untergang parodies…and actually had some great points about Apple’s hubris. “Who does he think he is, Donald Knuth?” Can Hitler’s new iPhone app salvage ...
iPhone App Piracy - a direct noticeable affect on niche market app sales 24 Aug 2010 | 05:20 am
I've had a niche market app, called Artificial Life, for sale in the iTunes app store for over a year now. As the name implies, it's a simulation of artificial life. Given the subject matter of the ap...
How To Make An iPhone App 3 Mar 2012 | 08:41 am
As you know, the iPhone is the most popular smartphone. With the rapid pace of iPhone sales every day, nothing can stop the incredible iPhone. The good thing of the iPhone is that Apple is always on t...