Most pokemon manga related news are at:

O caso "Mario Forever" 28 Jun 2012 | 05:18 am
Bom, todo mundo tá careca de saber que o blog n64 brasil fez uma parceria com o blog Mario Forever. Parceria que, inclusive rendeu um próprio podcast de humor e games. Tudo começou em fevereiro, quan...
Opinião: Nova Lei de Parcerias N64 Brasil 13 Mar 2012 | 09:23 am
Fala ae galera, blz? Estava eu fazendo uma faxina no blog, e percebi que entre os parceiros do blog haviam muitos blogs descontinuados (alguns até mesmo de 2010!) E, levando em consideração todo o te...
More pokemon manga related news:
Dark angel 11 Sep 2010 | 11:07 pm
Salut à tous, Prénom : Sarah Âge : 14 ans Avis du forum : J’aime bien, c’est sympa Comment avez-vous connu le forum : Google Passions : Pokémon, mangas, internet, écouter de la musique Sport : N...
Viz Media Debuts Pokémon Manga in the UK and Ireland 28 May 2013 | 06:00 am
The very popular Pokémon manga (graphic novel) series is coming to the United Kingdom and Ireland for the first time. Viz Media, LLC (Viz Media) is bringing the fun and adventure of the popular POKÉMO...
>>Pokémon Manga - PokeSpé Dreamcast 18 Aug 2013 | 07:59 am
18/8/2013, 04:59 di: Green'93 in: PokeSpé Dreamcast
La Manga 25 Mar 2011 | 08:57 am
La MangaProject: Website & Mobile App Concept Role: Pitch, Design, Art Direction Agency: Code Computerlove La Manga Concierge App
Pour l'équipe de Mata-web c'est aussi la rentrée ! 18 Jan 2007 | 06:24 am
{mosimage}Après plus de deux ans d'existence, le portail MATA-web change de style pour toujours mieux vous informer sur l'actualité de l'anime, du manga, des figurines mais aussi de la J-musique…
Boys Over Flowers 15 Jan 2010 | 05:07 am
Overall Rating: A+ Summary: A drama/romantic comedy shojo series created by Kamio Yoko. The TV series is a Korean adaptation of the Japanese manga. The story revolves around Geum Jan Di, a high school...
What US Media Can Learn About Dynamic Female Characters From Manga 8 Jan 2010 | 09:50 am
Last week I came across this article on Jezebel titled “Memo To The Media: In 2010, Add More Dynamic Female Characters” buy Latoya Peterson, and I wanted to spend some time discussing it. The main con...
Delayed Gratification! Podcast #5: Svetlana Chmakova 23 Dec 2009 | 03:02 am
The December edition of the Girlamatic podcast is here at last, featuring the extremely talented Svetlana Chmakova! Find out how she first got into comics, the appeal that manga has for her, and her u...
Nintendo confirmó el desarrollo de Pokémon White y Black 2 27 Feb 2012 | 12:57 pm
La franquicia Pokémon, genera dinero por donde se le mire. Obviamente, Nintendo no se va a perder la oportunidad de generar aun mas, así que recientemente, han anunciado la secuela de Pokémon Black y ...
День рождения АМТ 5 Jan 2012 | 09:17 am
Archer : Всех с прошедшим и с наступившим! 4 года назад умер один человек и родился сканлейтор. Так началась Action Manga Team. С тех пор «погибло» много народу… кое-кто потом даже воскрес… но АМТ ст...