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Das kann das neue iPhone 4S 7 Oct 2011 | 04:44 am
Am 4.Oktober 2011 hat Apple im Zuge des Apple Events “Let’s talk iPhone” das neue iPhone 4S vorgestellt. Design-technisch hat sich zwar nichts getan, unter der Haube jedoch um so mehr! Die einen (mic...
Kreuzworträtsel: Schwedenrätsel landet im AppStore 8 Sep 2011 | 07:50 am
Ich gebe es ja zu: Gelegentlich bin ich ein wirklich begeisterter Kreuzworträtsel-Fan. Es ist einfach ein sinnvoller Zeitvertreib! Um so mehr habe ich mich gefreut als die Entwicklerschmiede “the bin...
More poker app related news:
bwin Poker App 16 Dec 2011 | 02:58 am
Poker-Tisch im Hosentaschenformat Die bwin Poker App für das Iphone erschließt neue Möglichkeiten für Online Poker Spieler die mit dem Handy pokern wollen. Mit der bwin Poker App für das Iphone könne...
Poker App for Ipad at Bwin 28 Mar 2012 | 04:27 pm
Bwin is launching its real money bwin Poker App for iPad tablets and it offers a whole new way to play for poker enthusiasts. The combination of the most popular poker game of all, Texas Hold’em, and ...
Top Poker Apps pentru iPhone 17 Jan 2012 | 01:18 pm
Pokerul este un joc foarte popular in ziua de azi si vad deja din ce in ce mai multa lume pierzandu-si noptile cu acest “viciu”. Deja multa lume a trecut de faza in care se juca poker la masa cu priet...
SwitchPoker – new iphone solution for online poker 4 Nov 2010 | 07:16 pm
SwitchPoker ist the latest solution to play poker on your iphone. And it works very easy! The problem is that Apple does not allow poker Apps in their App shop. SwitchPoker does not need an App to wor...
Mobile Poker Apps – Going Popular 7 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
Believe it or not, everything that we can consider entertainment can now be enjoyed in the palm of your hands. With the advent of mobile technology, almost everything virtually played, heard or seen i...
Gaming on the go 1 Oct 2012 | 11:41 pm
In the 21st century the new generation of smartphones has meant that access to mobile poker apps, like the one available on free download from Ladbrokes Poker, has never been easier to get. Consequent...
Mein –Dein – Sein : Neue geniale Poker App bei Hall of Hands TitanPoker ! 28 Nov 2012 | 04:29 pm
Und da wären wir wieder. Wie versprochen immer da wenn es wichtiges und neues gibt. Gestern bin ich durch Zufall und durch mein neues Hobby ( Aps and widgets) auf eine Pressemeldung von Titan Poker au...
The Levels of Thinking in Poker 1 Jan 2013 | 10:09 pm
When playing poker it's important to understand the levels of thinking, which is to get beyond the cards and think about your opponents and the situation. The post The Levels of Thinking in Poker app...
Lessons Learned About Capturing Keystrokes in Windows 8 17 Mar 2013 | 03:05 am
It would appear I’m going to start pumping out little “lessons learned” articles over the next few weeks, as I’ve learned an absolute TON from building my King Poker app. Today’s lesson is about capt...
Appeak Poker for Android Out Now 26 Apr 2013 | 11:27 pm
Appeak, a new poker app for Android, has just been released by PokerListings. The app is far more than just a Zynga Poker clone. It offers four different levels of stakes, ensuring that there are plen...