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E’ morta Whitney Houston 13 Feb 2012 | 01:36 am
La famosa cantante pop Whitney Houston è morta per cause ancora sconosciute, trovata senza vita in un Hotel di Beverly Hills a Los Angeles in California. Whitney Houston Un’altra famosa pop star che...
Whitney Houston a murit, la 48 de ani 12 Feb 2012 | 04:22 pm
Diva muzicii pop Whitney Houston a murit sambata dupa-amiaza, la varsta de 48 de ani. Conform lui Kristen Foster, reprezentanta artistei, cauza mortii este necunoscuta. Surse neoficiale au relatat ca ...
Penyanyi Pop Whitney Houston Meninggal Dunia 12 Feb 2012 | 10:47 pm
Ratu musik pop dengan suaranya yang indah dan penampilannya yang anggun, Whitney Houston meninggal dunia, Diduga meninggalnya ratu musik berusia 48 tahun disebabkan karena narkoba. Humas Kristen Fost...
Penyanyi Pop Whitney Houston Meninggal Dunia 12 Feb 2012 | 05:47 pm
Ratu musik pop dengan suaranya yang indah dan penampilannya yang anggun, Whitney Houston meninggal dunia, Diduga meninggalnya ratu musik berusia 48 tahun disebabkan karena narkoba. Humas Kristen Fost...
Apr 27, 2013: POP LAB @ SUPER 0 FINALE ( DJ/Production workshop cum Art Exhibition) at Gilman Barracks 27 Apr 2013 | 03:24 am
POP LAB: Wannabe DJ, aspiring music producer or just keen in electronic music? Swing by our Free DJ workshop by Pop-Lab from 7.30pm at Galerie Michael Janssen. Hosted by Chief Instructor at Pop Trash...
Whitewaits - An Elegant Exit (2013) 25 Aug 2013 | 02:20 am
Rob Rowe (Cause & Effect) presents new project Whitewaits with its debut album "An Elegant Exit". ARTIST.... Whitewaits TITLE....... An Elegant Exit STYLE...... Synthpop, Electronic, Indie Pop LAB...
Whitney Houston’s voice soars at hometown funeral 22 Feb 2012 | 11:38 am
Whitney Houston’s voice soars at hometown funeral NEWARK, N.J.: After all the testimonials from relatives and friends, the songs from legends and pop stars, the preaching and even laughter, the raw e...
AP Live Stream Will Allow Public to Watch Whitney Houston’s Funeral Online 17 Feb 2012 | 10:29 am
This Saturday, people around the world will be able to join together in celebrating the life of recently deceased pop icon Whitney Houston as her private funeral is broadcast live via an online stream...
Watch ‘Glee’ Star Amber Riley Cover Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ 16 Feb 2012 | 05:01 am
Over the past few days the world has mourned the loss of pop icon Whitney Houston, and last night’s episode of ‘Glee’ continued the celebration of the diva’s life and work with a Whitney tribute episo...
How to forward multiple Gmail messages–2 Ways 10 Jan 2012 | 09:18 am
Though Gmail is coming up with new lab features from time to time, but still now there is no magic [...] Related posts: Download Gmail to multiple POP clients like Outlook 2007, 2010, Office 365 : Us...