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Web Design Job 18 May 2012 | 06:12 pm
Freelance web design job opportunities are easier to find than ever before. Yet because of the rising demand for web designers in the past decade, freelance web design has become an increasingly popul...
Tokyo, le carrefour de Shibuya en soirée 26 May 2012 | 10:08 pm
Une minute de vidéo pour essayer de concrétiser la densité de population à Tokyo : le fameux carrefour de Shibuya, samedi soir vers 19h. Il n’y a pas de bousculade, c’est très fluide. Ce carrefour n’...
Housing Shortage Likely Coming 17 Jun 2011 | 06:37 am
Housing Shortage Likely Coming, Report Says CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – June 13, 2011 – Within the next decade, 16 million new housing units will be needed to meet population growth and shifting demands, acco...
Research Discovers New Carrier of Deadly Fungus 11 May 2012 | 12:56 am
New research conducted by scientists in Belgium has revealed a new way in which a fungus causing massive population declines of amphibians may be spreading. During the last decade, significant decline...
Kyoto Imperial Palace (Kyoto Gosho) – The Best English Tour in Kyoto for Free! 12 Mar 2012 | 11:52 pm
The most spacious, open and decadent site in Kyoto – and you can take an English tour of it for free. Kyoto Gosho was the Imperial Palace of Japan before the capital was moved to Tokyo in 1869. This ...
Cafe Uniforms Become Designer T-Shirts 28 Sep 2011 | 05:57 pm
The popular Japanese social commerce recycle shop has come up with another great concept of turning the old and used into design desirables. The new idea will see the staff uniforms from Tokyo’s popul...
Slovenian Tokyo Decadance Part 1 30 May 2011 | 05:15 am
Its been a busy month ... and it's getting even crazier now. But the "worst" is over I think. At least for what I care. The final exam time is starting. But Tokyo Decadance is over and everything wen...
The Number of Muslims in the U.S. Rising Sharply 9 May 2012 | 02:30 am
The Muslim population in the United States rose sharply in a decade tarakhir. The number of Muslims in America outnumber the Jews for the first time in most of the Midwest. In a religion in the U.S. ...
At first it does seem too good to be true! Could there be such a thing as permanent hair removal? Laser hair removal has grown in population throughout the decade because it is effective and it is per...
Metro/County Census Results So Far (Plus a Brief Look at Jobs 22 Mar 2011 | 03:13 am
Interesting summary listing of census data for Metro Areas over 1 million in population. Birmingham is 23rd in growth with 7.20 % growth and an increase of almost 76,000 people in the last decade. O...