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Port Elliot 7 Jan 2013 | 03:14 pm
Hoje a passadinha rápida por aqui é pra mostrar um pouquinho de Port Elliot, outra praia que pertence à região de Fleurieu Peninsula, localizada aproximadamente 85km ao sul de Adelaide: Port Elliot...
L’Aplec dels Ports: El festival invisible 30 Jul 2013 | 03:15 pm
Amb l’estiu arriba l’època dels festivals musicals que reben un seguiment mediàtic important en una època que baixen les notícies polítiques –o almenys o feien tradicionalment- i a més hi ha una consc...
Pour sa première édition, le festival Les Insulaires sera organisé du 16 au 18 septembre prochain sur l’île d’Yeu. A Port Joinville, l’heure est déjà à la mobilisation générale. 4 mois, c’est le temp...
Elliot Lavine's Blog on pop culture 11 Mar 2011 | 03:30 am
As well as working in the rare book shop at Moe's Books, Elliot Lavine is also a film programmer at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco, where he runs the film noir festivals. He has also taught classe...
Christmas Food and Port 18 Dec 2009 | 01:05 pm
Does Bottle Aged or Wood Aged Port make the best festive match? So there’s about a week to go before Christmas, which mean I, like a lot of us, am planning my menu and thinking about what wines to se...
Festival Internacional I Love Jazz 4 Aug 2010 | 12:52 am
Auditório Ibirapuera Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/ nº, portão 2 – Parque Ibirapuera – Sul. Telefone: 3629-1075. Ingresso: R$ 30 e R$ 80 (estudantes: R$ 15 e R$ 40). Claude Tissendier 6TET Homenageia...
Les amis qui le font bien ! 14 May 2010 | 06:34 am
Cap Mômes A Caplongue, à 3 km d’Arvieu, l’île aux enfant ouvre ses portes : Cap festival Festival de musiques éclectiques, né à Caplongue, il a traversé le Lévézou : Comps-la-gr...
Bunnahabhain 12 Year old port Wood 23 Feb 2011 | 09:42 am
Bunnahabhain Festival bottling for 2005. Bottler: Distillery Region: Islay Age: 12 years old Bottle Size: 70cl Alc vol: 53.4% Bottled: 2005 Bottle Run: 766 bottles We only have 2 of these bott...
Hansa Festival in Parnu 6 Dec 2010 | 04:00 pm
During many centuries Pärnu was a connecting-link between medieval Europe and Russia, being a port, trade center and hanseatic town. In 2010, the people of Pärnu will have the honour of hosting the c...
Festival Sanremo 2012 : concorrenti big e giovani 6 Feb 2012 | 09:12 am
Il Festival di Sanremo 2012 è alle porte: molto criticato, denso di polemiche ma tutti desiderano parteciparvi data l’enorme popolarità e potenza mediatica di cui ancora dispone. Passano le mode, le t...