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台北中山區.養心茶樓蔬食飲茶 6 Jul 2013 | 06:19 am
素食的人口愈來愈多,素食的餐廳在台北的比例也是與日俱增,但是全素食的港式飲茶我倒是第一次吃到,今年6月10號才開幕的養心茶樓蔬食飲茶,是這次聚餐朋友選的一家新餐廳,就位在捷運松江南京站8號出口旁邊,其實跟捷運站是共構的大樓,算是離捷運站超級近的一家餐廳 就在2樓可以直接走樓梯,也有提供電梯搭乘 餐廳的裝潢完全擺脫一般素食的印象,雖說是港式飲茶,但是卻有幾分異國情調 從二樓的落地玻璃一眼望去,...
台北東區.家福壽司屋 23 Jun 2013 | 08:07 am
上星期時間過得很快,一下子就來到了週末,感覺一整個星期都沒有好好的吃過一頓晚餐,而且夏天的晚上一樣揮汗如雨,天氣一熱的確會讓人沒什麼胃口,像是常吃的小火鍋還是拉麵一下子就被排除在名單之外,在東區逛了許久,看到一個偌大的招牌「家福壽司屋」,以前經過好像都不會特別注意,裡面客人還蠻多的,雖然招裨很大但是家,看到有座位就直接進去吧 雖然店名聽起來很居家,但是整個裝潢燈明淨几,用餐環境簡單舒適 價格嘛...
More posh related news:
2006 Aston Martin Vanquish S 6.0L V12 8 May 2012 | 10:47 pm
Introduced as a 2002 model, Aston Martin's top-of-the-line Vanquish sports car blends posh comforts with V-12 performance. The high-performance S edition is the only Vanquish model offered for 2006. N...
Bella Couture Tutu Wall Hanging 30 May 2012 | 08:00 am
Lavish and luxurious chiffon drape a sparkling platinum dress form in our ultra posh Bella Couture Tutu custom canvas wall hanging! Hand-embellished with a light shimmer of iridescent opal fairy glitt...
Posh + Becks 19 Jul 2007 | 12:00 pm
The Beckhams Steamy Photos from W Magazine Steam it up like Beckhams!!!!
Victoria Beckham Hairstyles – An Exploration of Strategies 19 May 2012 | 12:16 pm
Victoria Beckham first catapulted in to popularity when she has been a feature “Posh Spice” of the Spice Girls. As the team disbanded, Victoria went after numerous profession paths, like a solo career...
glamour: Check out Young & Posh blogger The Nailasaurus’... 3 May 2012 | 03:04 am
glamour: Check out Young & Posh blogger The Nailasaurus’ step-by-step guide to ombre nail art, over on
BMW Zagato Coupe revealed in Italy 29 May 2012 | 01:30 am
BMW has debuted an amazing road-ready coupe show car built in association with legendary Italian styling house Zagato. The BMW Zagato Coupe debuted this weekend at the posh Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d...
Top Luxurious Phones 7 May 2012 | 11:14 pm
When phones have that midas touch of designers, they become exclusive, classy and a style statement. These posh phones are not priced on the basis of high-end feature, the gold and diamonds which they...
Neil Lane Fete Draws Out Tinsletown Hotties 24 Jul 2010 | 03:49 pm
Making for quite the posh soiree, legendary jewelry designer Neil Lane debuted his new bridal collection for Kay Jewelers at the W Hollywood Hotel on Thursday night (July 22). The esteemed jewelery m...
Posh Model - Sweet Girls Wallpapers 15 Mar 2012 | 04:14 pm
Darragh MacAnthony Appoints Darren Ferguson As Posh Manager For The Second Time 28 Jan 2011 | 05:00 am
Ready-Buzz :: Business Press Release 2011-01-28 club s Business Information :: Peterborough United Football Club have appointed Darren Ferguson as the club's new manager, penning a four and a ha.....