Most post constructor pattern related news are at:

A heuristic for formatting code according to the AAA pattern 25 Jun 2013 | 12:20 am
This article describes a rule of thumb for formatting unit tests. The Arrange Act Assert (AAA) pattern is one of the most fundamental and important patterns for writing maintainable unit tests. It st...
Where to put unit tests 17 Jun 2013 | 02:22 pm
The article provides arguments for (and against) putting unit tests in libraries different from the production code. One of my readers ask me "whether unit tests should be done in separate assemblies...
More post constructor pattern related news:
The Little Owl has arrived 10 Aug 2011 | 10:34 am
I just posted the pattern for the Little Owl Sweater Set. I hope that it is free of errors. If you find one please let me know so I can correct it. The spacing is not what I would have wanted but try ...
Factory/Constructor that accepts N args 21 May 2009 | 02:38 pm
I'm a big fan of the Factory/Constructor pattern in JavaScript. But this runs into a problem when you want your constructor to accept any number of arguments. Apply invocation vs Constructor invocat...
Free Pattern: Top Hat for 1:6 Scale Dolls 25 Nov 2008 | 06:56 pm
I have been working on creating a mad hatter tea party diorama with my dolls and needed a top hat, so I made one. I am posting a pattern and instructions so you can make one too. This pattern is for p...
WSGI middleware and the hidden write() callable. 14 Oct 2012 | 05:17 pm
When I posted recently about the obligations of a WSGI server or middleware to call close() on the iterable returned from a WSGI application, I posted a pattern for a WSGI middleware of: class Middle...
Stepping Stone Plans for 2013 30 Jan 2013 | 04:13 pm
It's long been a plan for me to write and publish the knitting patterns for the little creatures I invent, so as a stepping stone goal towards this I am going to be posting the pattern to make these t...
Singed Flower Tutorial 24 May 2013 | 09:29 am
I know there are probably a million tutorials out there for these, but I figured since Sophie’s tutu dress had them and I posted the pattern + tutorial, I figured I should probably do a tutorial on h...
Syuzi posted a blog post 2 Aug 2013 | 09:55 pm
Syuzi posted a blog post Hydrophobic Patterns These lovely textile patterns by designer Jetske Visser were created by exploiting the hydrophobic reaction between water and oil based pigments. The re...
Medallion quilt top and some hexagon stars 1 Aug 2013 | 06:26 pm
You might remember that Lori, over at Humble quilts, invited us to take part in a sewalong, where she posted a pattern for a little medallion quilt. I'm linking up with her HERE where you can also se...
Simplicity 1651 17 Jul 2013 | 04:06 am
Finally, I was able to get a few okay pictures of me wearing Simplicity 1651. Most of the review is posted here: Pattern Description: It's described as misses' dress with bodice and skirt variation...
A to Z of flowers C,D,E and F 16 Aug 2013 | 02:01 pm
I'm a bit behind at posting my pattern designs for the a to z of flowers challenge. Here's a little round up of c,d,e and f looking lovely as envelope liners. C is for Clematis D is for Dandelion E...