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LOOKBOOK: June Moodboard 27 May 2012 | 01:09 pm
Array I am really excited to shoot the June lookbook on Monday with the amazing “Camille Over the Rainbow“! In the mood for something a bit more playful with lots of cutesy details added in post prod...
Produksi Media Audio Visual 28 Aug 2008 | 01:14 am
Tahapan Produksi Media Audio-Visual Secara sederhana proses produksi audio-visual terbagi atas 3 tahap yakni (1) pra produksi (pre production), (2) produksi (production), (3) pasca produksi (post prod...
3ème Année: Dimension prod & post-prod 3 21 Jul 2011 | 10:01 pm
Nouveaux Rendus dont je me suis chargé: (Concept 2D, modélisation, uv, texture, éclairage, anim et compositing) Titre ( initialement en forme impossible qui se transforme en forme lisible) (Modé, sh...
3ème Année: Dimension prod & post-prod 2 27 Jun 2011 | 12:11 am
Voici quelques nouvelles images du court-métrage de fin d'étude "Dimension" auquel je participe: Modélisation, UV, texture, éclairage, compositing., fumé: Texture (sauf le couloir), éclairage, compo...
3ème Année: Dimension prod & post-prod 6 Jun 2011 | 07:09 am
Voici quelques images du court-métrage de fin d'étude "Dimensions" auquel je participe: Pour les plans suivant, je me suis occupé de : Éclairage, (texture du fond), compositing: Modélisation (machi...
Video Editing 24 Mar 2012 | 02:39 am
Technology changes everyday and so does CD Mastercopy. Let us help you with difficulties that one face in post production. we make life easy without the hassle of the going back and forth of post prod...
PhotoshopCAFE: The Landscape Photographers Guide to Magic Light (1DVD) 31 May 2012 | 05:30 am
PhotoshopCAFE: The Landscape Photographers Guide to Magic Light Covers Everything from Shooting, using on-camera filters, understanding light, and extra shooting tips. Also covers some basic post prod...
Trailer Nostalrius 2 Aug 2012 | 05:07 am
Trailer Nostalrius World of Warcraft Serveur privé 1.12.1 Réalisateur: Papanoel Post Prod: Holymask Musique: Epic soul factory - vol.2 HEARTS IN ATLANTIS
Post Produce in August 2013! 22 Aug 2013 | 12:21 pm
One of more than a dozen cucumbers I’ve harvested this year. At least two dozen more are maturing on the plants, so I may be giving some away by the middle of next week. I hope this month’s Post Prod...
Una ola simpática 18 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Vidéo drone surf "sans post prod" from revolutionairview on Vimeo. Que olita más maja y que forma de filmarla más chula, no debe de ser fácil manejar un bicho de esos en el aire y que salgan esas tom...