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Bing Introduces Site Move update to its Webmaster Tools 17 Apr 2013 | 08:07 pm
Search engine Bing has added a new update to its webmaster tools, making it easier to complete site moves. The purpose of the site move tool is to inform Bing that you have changed URLs to a new locat...
Google Panda Update as a Part of Standard Search Algorithm 9 Apr 2013 | 09:22 pm
Those working in the field of SEO already know about the Google Panda algorithm updates, as they have had a marked effect on working practices over the last two years, with the fallout of the updates ...
More postrank related news:
Google buys PostRank, a social analytics service. 5 Jun 2011 | 05:21 am
Google acquisition of PostRank is a good news for RSSMicro and its FeedRank® offering. We briefly discussed about the PostRank in 2009 here. Although PostRank targeting social media such as Twitter an...