Most powerpoint 2010 vs keynote related news are at:
– Les Posen's Presentation Magic | It's time for a paradigm shift in how presentations are performed. One presenter's blog on how to present as if all your audience members had a brain.
Hoping to see new Apple products announced Monday? Well, there’s a legion of Apple’s Keynote presentation software users who’ll be hoping to see evide... 9 Jun 2013 | 02:59 pm
It’s that time of the year again. The time of the year when expectations for new Apple products and services reaches a fever pitch. This year it’s especially intense because expectations seem to be so...
From “beleaguered” to “secretive”: how the tech media distorts how Apple operates. But substitute one other word, and you’ll “get” how Apple really op... 22 Apr 2013 | 07:29 am
When I’m not giving workshops on presentation skills, or on IT for health professionals, I’m working one on one with patients who wish to better manage certain unwanted behaviours and feelings. The br...