Most powerpoint vs keynote related news are at:

Hoping to see new Apple products announced Monday? Well, there’s a legion of Apple’s Keynote presentation software users who’ll be hoping to see evide... 9 Jun 2013 | 02:59 pm
It’s that time of the year again. The time of the year when expectations for new Apple products and services reaches a fever pitch. This year it’s especially intense because expectations seem to be so...
From “beleaguered” to “secretive”: how the tech media distorts how Apple operates. But substitute one other word, and you’ll “get” how Apple really op... 22 Apr 2013 | 07:29 am
When I’m not giving workshops on presentation skills, or on IT for health professionals, I’m working one on one with patients who wish to better manage certain unwanted behaviours and feelings. The br...
More powerpoint vs keynote related news:
Use Prezi where Innovation Needs to Shine Through 13 Dec 2011 | 04:09 am
Click on Picture to See How I Use Prezi. When you want to sell your ideas and proposals to an audience, which Presentation software do you use? Microsoft Powerpoint? Apple Keynote? If you use these ...
Un monde sans Powerpoint (ni Keynote…) 30 May 2012 | 06:19 am
© Deviant Art Frix1981 C’est en lisant un article de Harvard Business Review, «Learning Charisma» que m’est venue l’idée de cet article. Quoi de plus stressant pour certains cadres, directeurs ou man...
In memoriam: die legendärsten Auftritte von Steve Jobs 7 Oct 2011 | 09:45 pm
Steve Jobs war ein unvergleichlicher Meister der Präsentation und ein starker Beweis dafür, dass Präsentationssoftware - ob PowerPoint oder Keynote - einen Auftritt eindrucksvoll bereichern können. Au...
Find a Presentation Designer Here 26 Jan 2012 | 10:22 am
Are you looking for a presentation designer? I’ve been asked so many times if I could recommend a presentation designer that I’ve decided to publish a list of PowerPoint and Keynote slide design compa...
Find a Presentation Designer Here 26 Jan 2012 | 05:22 am
Are you looking for a presentation designer? I’ve been asked so many times if I could recommend a presentation designer that I’ve decided to publish a list of PowerPoint and Keynote slide design compa...
Switching from PowerPoint to Keynote 15 Aug 2012 | 12:48 pm
Just started using Keynote as an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint today. Although it has like 5% of the features in PowerPoint, it does help make your presentations look better. With overall better...
Polskie znaki diakrytyczne w Prezi 13 Sep 2012 | 01:59 am
Większość ludzi, którzy mają dosyć tradycyjnego podejścia do prezentacji i zbrzydł im już PowerPoint i Keynote prędzej, czy później trafiają na Prezi. Pełni początkowego zachwytu i błyskomiotności nar...
Do you know what PowerPoint templates you need for your next presentation and why? 1 Mar 2013 | 12:52 pm
Today, use of PowerPoint presentation (Keynote or any other presentation format) to present your idea is quite common. One starts interacting with presentations from school days and journey continues ...
Green Banana Leave Background 31 May 2013 | 07:12 am
This is a green banana leave background, a very attractive image to be used for your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. You can use it for any office or school projects.
Polskie znaki diakrytyczne w Prezi 13 Sep 2012 | 01:59 am
Większość ludzi, którzy mają dosyć tradycyjnego podejścia do prezentacji i zbrzydł im już PowerPoint i Keynote prędzej, czy później trafiają na Prezi. Pełni początkowego zachwytu i błyskomiotności nar...