Most powershell if related news are at:

A funny thing happened on my way to the remote registry… 18 Jun 2009 | 10:10 am
I became an evil hacker who was preying on I.T. managers!!! At least that’s what the initial reaction was. I was caught off guard, the big boss called me in his office and had asked why I had accessed...
How to find a needle in the Array stack 17 Jun 2009 | 11:14 am
I finally had a reason to use Ying Li’s script that compares two arrays and I must tell you it worked beautifully… What a time saver!!! The big boss comes to me (as I’ve become his go-to-guy when he n...
More powershell if related news:
Colorized Subversion SVN STAT & UP PowerShell Functions 18 Nov 2008 | 10:00 am
An ever-useful powershell script for those who use the SVN CLI even on windows.
Getallen te converteren van Decimaal naar Octaal, Hex, Binair 22 May 2012 | 07:51 am
Een oefeningetje die we in de lessen technologische opvoeding allemaal wel hebben moeten maken? Getallen omzetten van het ene talstelsel naar het andere. Nu nog makkelijker met Powershell (zonder de i...
Logfiles roteren met Powershell 15 Jan 2012 | 08:55 am
In een typische shared hosting omgeving krijg je binnen de map van de gebruiker een locatie waar log bestanden worden weggeschreven. Als hoster heb je dan een groot aantal (liefst ) mappen met in el...
Foto’s sorteren met PowerShell op basis van EXIF informatie 2 Jan 2012 | 06:54 am
Misschien heb je het zelf ook ooit eens voorgehad en dan weet je hoe onprettig het is: Je hebt duizenden foto’s van jaren ver netjes onderverdeeld in mapjes en submapjes en om een of andere reden krij...
Hyper-V and PowerShell : VMName to OSName mapping 29 Jan 2012 | 08:15 am
I have been working on creating a Hyper-V app for Splunk that will allow Splunk users to associate Hypervisor data with products like XenDesktop, XenApp, and Exchange. One of the challenges I came acr...
PowerShell cmdlets for Splunk! 25 Aug 2011 | 04:43 am
Project Splunk PowerShell Resource Kit The Splunk PowerShell Resource Kit enables IT administrators to manage their Splunk topology, configure Spl...
Its been awhile… what have you been up to? 1 Dec 2010 | 04:33 pm
Sorry I haven’t been blogging much. While I have been very busy at work my Powershell exploits have not been idle Here are some updates My MVP was renewed My CTP was renewed BSonPosh module is now...
BSonPosh v1 Powershell Module finally ships! 23 May 2010 | 12:41 pm
Thanks to 12 hours of time in an airplane I was able to put the finishing touches on my BSonPosh Module. I have added help for all my cmdlets and created format files. Download Here: BSonPosh V1 [U...
Sharepoint - SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig is not recognized 18 Feb 2012 | 12:14 am
i try to run SET-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig command in powershell, but it return me error message " SET-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig recognized as the name of cmdlet, function..." Solution Add-PSS...
PowerShell wget 10 May 2012 | 10:54 pm
Ever wanted to download a file from the web using PowerShell? It’s quite easy actually. Here is another quick little script for you: