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EAR FARM has moved! 16 Jun 2008 | 05:18 pm
It's been a great run on Blogger... 1,924 posts from October 2005 to June 2008. However, it's time for EAR FARM to move on to bigger and better things. We'd love for you to come along with us! From n...
EAR FARM's Muxtape #12: Paraskavedekatriaphobia 14 Jun 2008 | 06:13 am
Paraskavedekatriaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th. Horror movie fans will have to wait until next year for the remake of the 1980 Sean Cunningham classic Friday the 13th; fans and foes of the day ...
More pox world empire related news:
Khilafat e Rashida with Zaid Hamid part 10 15 Nov 2009 | 09:23 am
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 Posted in Arab world, Empire, israel, Pakistan, politics and current affairs Tagged: allama iqbal, Brasstacks, caliphate, golden age of islam, islam, islamic empire, ...
The newest Empire Magazine has something like thirty-three trillion new images from Thor: The Dark World. Marvel in the beauty of the Hammer-Wielding Beauty. Scoff at those who get to bask in his pres...
DJ D Souff World Empire Online Top 20 August Edition 25 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm
How Carlos Slim Helu Become World's Richest 28 Aug 2011 | 02:36 am
Carlos Slim Helu started his business at age 12. At that time he bought shares of a bank in Mexico. From the deal, Slim pioneered the business empire that he craved. Mexican boy's dream come true mul...
The Roman Empire – By Vineeth Ravi Varma and Debmalya Banerjee 2 Feb 2011 | 10:20 pm
The Russian, relatively unknown in the UK at the time, saved the club from an uncertain future and possible bankruptcy, and provided the platform for which we have grown into one of the world’s larges...
A Guide to Camping in Italy 9 May 2012 | 06:29 am
Introduction Ever since the time of the Roman Empire, Italy has played an important role in European and world affairs, and this makes it a very popular tourist destination. With a heritage and cultu...
Investing in Gold: Historically Sound 13 May 2012 | 08:08 am
Throughout the ages gold has been the backbone of the world’s economy. We read about the Incas and Mayan cultures use of gold to honor gods and its use in trade. We know from history the Spanish Empir...
Jay-Z Launches Facebook Game – Empire 26 Apr 2012 | 06:49 am
Rapper and entrepreneur, Jay-Z has decided to venture into the world of Facebook games. This week the beta for “Empire” went live. Inspired by his own career, the game wants your virtual self to go fr...
PIZZA HUT COUPONS: How to Get Free Printable Coupons for Pizza Hut – Free Italian Restaurant Printable Coupons Online 18 Feb 2012 | 05:25 am
GET FREE PIZZA HUT PRINTABLE COUPONS. Pizza Hut Italian Restaurant opened in 1958, and the world’s largest pizza franchise was born. Today the Pizzeria company is part of the Pepsi Empire, but back t...
Why were the Ottoman's Successful in war? 14 Dec 2011 | 09:37 am
The Ottoman Empire is a Turkish empire that was one of the most successful empires in the world. The Ottoman Empire had lasted from July-12-1299 to 29-October-1923, and it is one of the sixteen em...